2016/7/23 14:37:30
Most golfers experience some type of golf swing fault as they play the game of golf. The trick is to quickly identify and address the swing fault. Here are a few of the most common golf swing faults and a few golf tips to address these faults.
Common Golf Swing Fault 1: Poor Golf Grip
One of the most common golf swing faults is to have a poor golf grip which can cause a host of problems and errant golf shots. Here are a few golf tips to ensure you have the proper golf grip every time.
Common Golf Swing Fault 2: Poor Golf Shot Setup
Poor golf shot setup is also a common golf swing fault. Here are a few golf tips to help you set up correctly for every shot.
Common Golf Swing Fault 3: Poor Body Weight Transfer
The third most common golf swing fault is poor weight transfer from the back leg in backswing to the front leg in the downswing. Poor weight transfer can cause loss of power, fat shots, thin shots, slices and hooks.
To ensure you are properly transferring your weight, keep your body weight on the inside of the back foot in backswing while your back knee remains in place throughout the swing. This sets up a powerful coil and proper weight shift to your front leg in your downswing.
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