6 Secrets For More Power In Your Drives
2016/7/23 14:37:14
Admit it. If there's one thing you desire in golf it is to be able to absolutely smash the ball long with your driver. For some, this is what they play the game for. But I'm sure you've come to realise its not as easy as just putting all your muscle into your swing. Read on to find out the secrets to generating extra power in your drives.
1) You don't have to be the Incredible Hulk to add yards to your drive. You want to be the 'Incredible Flex'! Generating power is all about shoulder and hip rotation. To get more out of yourself get into the habit of stretching your shoulders and hips by doing gentle rotations as if you are swinging a club. Hold the stretch at the top of the swing and feel the tension. Over time you will become more flexible and feel the benefit in your swing.
2) Ensure you have a wide backswing. Imagine you are one of those hammer throwers at the Olympics who are trying to generate momentum as they spin round. In a similar way the wider the arc the more acceleration you can generate. At the quarter point of the backswing you want the club pointing down the target line to retain good fundamentals.
3) Start your golf swing with a little more weight on your back foot. Do not slide your hips back. Your hip should be turning with an increase in pressure on your back foot. By doing this you are loading the coil with power. If you slide your hips backwards you are going to leak significant power.
4) Ensure you rotate your shoulders fully - at set up lift your chin up to enable room for the left shoulder to get under it. By doing this you will feel much more freedom in your shoulders. Be sure to get the shoulders turning more than your hips. Remember, you are creating coil loaded with resistance ready to explode.
5) At the top of your swing start turning your hips before your downswing starts. At the same time move them forward and as your hands move past your waist straighten your left leg. All the while your hips are still turning. The straightening of your left leg should be like a snap. Imagine you are unwinding like a coil - this first motion is the prelude to your shoulders snapping round. Practice this in slow motion so you can understand the sequence better.
6) Make sure you unhinge your wrists through impact. You will definitely lose power if you do not do this. The extra momentum you get at the final contact is key. Think of it almost like you are taking a big slap at the ball. Be aware though - stay in control here because you can end up with some pretty wild drives otherwise!
Forget the gym - it doesn't matter what size you are in the golf world. If you employ these power tips you will be the envy of your golf buddies and booming those drives further than ever before.
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