ProGolfing - General Putting Tips
2016/7/20 14:44:17
General Putting Tips
Right now you're probably thinking how you can change your
putting techniques to get ahead in your golf career. Putting is
probably one of the most important techniques, without which you
can't really expect to march ahead in your golf career. Putting is
also a technique that sets apart a very good golfer from a pack of
ordinary golfers. There are several putting techniques suggested
by golf experts and you can learn these techniques with a bit
consistent practice.
More often the game of golf is a game of ¡°feel¡±. As kids we were so
successful in throwing stones at the chosen target with such a
stupendous accuracy! Such a fine tuned target was consistently
achieved without even knowing the distance between the target
and the subject. This was probably due to that wonderful
sensation of ¡°feel¡±, a foolproof event in the subconscious mind.
Golf is no different than your stone throwing experience. When you
feel that you can putt to a long distance, you can actually do it
after some consistent practice. You must also know how hard to hit
your long putts before expecting to achieve a handful of success.
Here are some of the best known putting tips which will male you a
successful golfer:
Method No.1:
1. Set up a line of about 25 balls.
2. Fix a target distance of about 40 feet.
3. As a precaution, try looking at your hole, rather than
looking at the ball!
4. Start practicing to hit the ball at the hole. Keep adjusting
the force and speed with which you try your putt.
5. Develop that feel so that you know how hard and quick you
need to hit at the ball
6. Keep changing the target and distance to hone up your
7. However this technique works well indoors only. You may
need to practice in the actual course by adjusting the course
length and hole.
Method No.2:
1. Repeat you strokes consistently to achieve that extra
2. Most of the professionals usually do this by a method called
¡°pre-shot¡±, allows them to get their body into the same position,
then relax and stroke the putt.
3. Never stop looking at your hole as well as the ball.
4. To check this follow this tip- remove your right hand from
the handle of the club (left hander remove the left), hold a golf ball
to the bridge of your nose and drop it slowly. The spot where your
ball falls down is where your eyes are in relationship to the golf
Method No.3: Downhill Putt
1. Stand next to your ball and start practicing as you normally
would do. Learn to make out the perfect length and rhythm of your
2. Once you feel the intensity of your shot, set up over the
ball and lower your hands at least three inches down the hand
grip. When the putt is shorter, the lower energy will be transmitted
to the ball.
3. Start practicing again to feel the intensity of stroke. By now
you will be really surprised to see the softness in your strokes.
4. Short put is always better than a toe-stroke to soften the
blow. When you putt, the face remains square and putts start on-
5. When you putt faster, your grip will go farther down.
6. As you practice this technique for many months, you will
learn how to putt downhill with expertise.
Here are some basic techniques which need to be remembered:
1. Right handed golfers must lock in their left hand when putting.
Left handed
golfers may lock in their right hand.
2. Square up your stance when putting. This will allow you to
natural pendulum stroke to
parallel to the target line.
3. Always allow a feeling of relaxation to take over your character.
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