2016/7/20 14:34:25
If you’ve been looking for that perfect how to golf book that minces no words in describing exactly how your performance can be improved with techniques and practice rather than ‘tricks’ for instant results, you might want to try PurePoint Golf’s Full Swing Fundamentals...
This inexpensive golf swing book contains sensible techniques to improve the basic distance of your drives and improving your handicap. Within two weeks of using this golf instruction book, you’re ready to showcase your newfound techniques to your friends and golf mates.
Improving the novice golfer’s game
Regardless of your current performance (bad or simply awful), Full Swing Fundamentals was designed to simply teach optimum techniques. With the application of such techniques, you’re destined to improve your score (80, or bust). Right now, PurePoint Golf is offering this best golf instruction book to improving your golf for just $47.
That’s a small investment compared to other books on Amazon which can cost you more than $60 each. To date, this eBook has been tested by literally thousands of golf players across the globe- that’s the kind of assurance that anyone would need to place $47 on someone else’s hands.
Full Swing Fundamentals boasts of a 95% success rate- a truly believable success rate since golf is not rocket science. With enough practice and a close observation of the techniques contained within the book, you’re sure to improve your play.
What’s in Full Swing Fundamentals?
Full Swing Fundamentals contains expert advice on establishing the correct swinging position, a backswing technique that’s completely different from what is being practiced by more than ninety-nine percent of golfers around the world, swing timing techniques, achieving ideal balance for swings and much, much more. Again, this is just the tip of the iceberg. More meaty stuff coming up when you ready the entirety of the Full Swing Fundamentals.
The great thing about PurePoint Golf’s offer is that you’re getting much more than just one book when you avail of the current offer. The first bonus feature of the eBook package is a bonus DVD that contains vital information of gripping the golf club, the proper setup for perfect play and even common faults and effective cures for these ailments in your game.
The second bonus in PurePoint Golf’s package is membership to the PurePoint Golf’s Apprentice Program, online. The Apprentice Program will give you access to weekly lessons, video lessons, step-by-step lessons and even drills. Â
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Golfing is definitely among the best ways to enjoy a great day outside and people who play are pass
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