2016/7/20 14:33:14
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If you retain the angle late in the golf swing you will find it easy to "crack the whip" and unleash an enormous amount of power in your golf swing. Learn how to crack the whip correctly using the Medicus Driver from a golf expert in this free video clip.
Most amatuers release the golf swing angle early in the downswing causing a "casting" action resulting in the dreaded banana slice.
The result...
A major loss of distance and accuracy.
Why not nip your slice in the bud once and for all?
The secret to effortless power in your golf swing is to hold the golf swing angle until the last moment and then "crack the whip".
The result...
A long and straight boring drive with a flatter trajectory...
A much more flatter trajectory than what you're probably used to if you are a slicer.
Watch the touring pros how they hold this golf swing angle until the last minute. When you learn how to do this correctly you will feel an incredible amount of stored power just waiting to be released into the back of the golf ball.
Why keep repeating the same 'ol swing faults and start building proper muscle memory for a powerful and repeatable golf swing.
Oh, did I mention the Medicus Driver is the largest selling golf swing aid ever? Over a million Medicus drivers have been sold, and that number only keeps climbing. So the Medicus Driver must be doing something right.Â
Think about how surprised your playing partners will be when they see how pure you'll be striking the ball!
Yes, it is possible that you can correct some of your swing problems on your own. But unless you have some sort of feedback device telling you what it is you're doing wrong, most of your practice will be wasted.
And it gets even better, because the Medicus Driver not only comes with great teaching videos, you can try the club out for 60 days for only about 40 bucks after which you get a 20% discount and FREE shipping.
And to top that off you will receive a free putter training aid that helps you learn how to putt with your shoulders, just like the pros!
What a great gift for that special 'golf addict' in your life who probably right now is experiencing major cabin fever as most of us settle in for a long and cold winter. You can practice the Medicus Driver in the comfort of your own living room and groove a picture perfect golf swing when spring finally rolls around.
I don’t know how long this fantastic offer will be in effect, so it might be a good idea to act now and make sure you take advantage of it.
Make sure you buy the Medicus Driver from the Medicus Golf site, you'll get FREE shipping and it will ship within 24 hours.
If you decide to buy the Medicus Driver on Ebay or Craigslist - BUYER BEWARE!! You may not get the bonuses and shipping time could take forever.
Also, if you have order issues with any of these non Medicus Golf Sites, are you confident they will be resolved in a timely manner??...
Something to think about...
Play well.
-John Lynch
Click Here To Check Out the Medicus Driver and Improve all aspects of your swing from the takeaway to downswing!
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