2016/7/20 14:32:21
Discount golf-TaylorMade Rossa MONZA CORZA Putter $119 on golfwholesalestore
The TaylorMade Rossa Monza Corza putter is a large, mallet-style addition to the Monza line of putters engineered with four key high-performance features intended to make it easier to roll the ball smoothly and accurately.
Discount golf-TaylorMade Rossa MONZA CORZA Putter $119
1. TaylorMade Movable Weight Technology. Players can change the weight and feel of the Rossa Monza Corza by virtue of TaylorMade's movable weight technology, which was introduced by TaylorMade's r7 quad driver. Whereas the r7 quad employs four TaylorMade Launch Control (TLC) ports and TLC cartridges to affect the height and shape of ball flight, the Corza employs two TLC ports and cartridges to affect the weight of the putterhead. Players can install as little as four grams in the Corza (two 2-gram TLC cartridges) or as much as 28 grams (two 14-gram TLC cartridges), allowing them to tailor the feel of the putter to suit personal taste, playing conditions, etc.
2.Rossa Anti-skid Groove System Insert (AGSI) is characterized by a large putterface insert made of Titallium, an extremely durable seven-metal alloy that is 65% less dense than steel. The face of the insert is scored with 12 CNC-milled grooves. Compared to the standard iron or wedge grooves, AGSI grooves are 66% narrower and 50% closer together. Unlike iron grooves, which are typically empty, each AGSI groove channel is filled with a soft polymer to dampen unwanted vibration at impact, contributing to better feel. How do AGSI grooves affect the ball, given relatively low clubhead speed for even long putts? The answer lies in the composition and structure of the AGSI insert, which is specifically engineered to bring the grooves into direct and active contact with the ball during impact, even on short putts. Titallium has a lower modulus than steel, making the AGSI insert more flexible than a typical steel putter face. Additionally, the grooves in the face serve in part to strategically soften the insert's structure. Together, these factors make the insert deform at impact, putting the AGSI grooves into direct contact with the cover of the ball. On a typical 40-foot putt, the force of impact produces enough deformation of the insert and the golf ball to bring up to five grooves into contact with the ball, while a five-foot putt puts about two grooves in contact with the ball. The behavior of the insert directly contrasts to typical impact dynamics, wherein the clubface remains relatively rigid and the ball deforms. (All clubfaces deform to some degree at impact, with polymer inserts deforming the most. The behavior of the AGSI conforms to the Rules of Golf.) As the putterface lifts and launches the ball forward down the target-line, it imparts forwardspin instead of backspin. How? The unique shape of the grooves "hold" the ball through impact, reducing backspin and promoting forwardspin. Because the ball hits the ground with forwardspin, the degree of bounce and skid is dramatically reduced, as is the potential for the ball to rock off-line to the left or right. The result is better distance accuracy and better directional accuracy, resulting in better putting results.
3. Linear Alignment System: Like previous Monza putters, the Corza features a linear alignment system, consisting of an eye-pleasing bar bridging the front of the putter with the back; bisecting that bar is a vivid line perpendicular to the center of the putterface. Corza's linear alignment system makes it easy to aim the putterface, enhancing confidence and accuracy.
4. Wire-Framed Putterhead and Semi-Floating Putterface: Like the original Monza, the Corza (the name is derived from the Italian word for race, "corsa") is shaped like a trapezoid. However, the Corza incorporates a wire-frame design cast of 304 stainless steel and a "semi-floating" clubface. This allows Rossa engineers to move a significant amount of weight to the perimeter of the putterhead, dramatically increasing the moment of inertia (MOI) for greater forgiveness on mis-hits. Compared to the Rossa Monza, the Corza boasts an 18% higher MOI. Corza's semi-floating putterface is attached to the wire-frame putterhead in three places -- at the toe, heel and in the middle. Because of that, it appears to almost "float," which is why Rossa engineers refer to it as "semi-floating." The advantage of Corza's semi-floating face is that it delivers an exceptionally pleasing soft-yet-crisp feel at impact.
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