2016/7/20 14:32:04
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Medicus Make or Break 2: Toe-Up Position
Beau Rials, Mike Bennett (Medicus Advisor, PGA Tour Instructor), Bob Koch (Inventor of Medicus Dual-Hinge Driver) giving the Medicus Swing Trainer make or break points to your golf swing. The ways you can use your Medicus Swing Trainer to improve your golf game.
The upper body continues to rotate turning slightly away from the target while keeping the right elbow close to the right hip. As the hands travel around the body and continue to cock/set, the Medicus Swing Trainer will become parallel to the target line and parallel to the ground with the toe pointing towards the sky.
A. Weight transferred to the left instead of the right (reverse pivot).
B. Over-rotation of hands, causing the clubface to travel too far inside.
C. Continuation of B above.
D. Right elbow pushed away from the right hip and the club lifted outside the target line.
Make sure you buy the Medicus Driver from the Medicus Golf site, you'll get FREE shipping and it will ship within 24 hours.
If you decide to buy the Medicus Driver on Ebay or Craigslist - BUYER BEWARE!!
You may not get the bonuses and shipping time could take forever.
Also, if you have order issues with any of these non Medicus Golf Sites, are you confident they will be resolved in a timely manner??...
Something to think about...
Play well.
John Lynch
Click Here To Check Out the Medicus Driver and Improve all aspects of your swing from the takeaway to downswing
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