2016/7/20 14:29:50
For beginner golfers the first thing you will need to learn on your path to the golf elite is the proper grip. A good grip on your club is the foundation to every aspect of golf. The best swing in the world is nothing if it is not backed up by a proper grip. In this article, I will attempt to give you some pointers to improve your grip and give you the best possible foundation on which to build the rest of your game.
To start, I will let you know a little secret: Many golfers suffer from a weak leading hand (if you are right handed, this is your left hand. If you are left handed, this is your right hand). Suffering from this affliction will give you a weak shot and also a noticeable slice.
Let's start with your lead hand. Place your palm face up and with your index finger (of your other hand), find the joint where your little finger joins your hand (about a centimetre below the visible start of your finger). Now draw an imaginary line from here to the centre of the middle part of your index finger. This imaginary line is the position your club handle should take in your grip. Close your hand with the club in this position.
Now let's look at your leading thumb. With your hand closed around the grip, you should place your thumb pointing straight down the shaft slightly on the backside of the grip.
Your trailing, and dominant, hand is the one which provides the power of your swing without overpowering the lead hand. Both hands should work together in unison.
Again we need to draw an imaginary line. This time, from the first knuckle (closest to your hand) of your ring finger to the second knuckle (this is the one furthest from your hand) of your index finger.
Place your trailing hand on the underside of the club with the grip following this imaginary line, your little finger of your trailing hand should overlap the index finger of your lead hand.
Now close your hand, your thumb pad (the muscle at the base of your thumb) should be well over the thumb of your lead hand and your trailing hand thumb should be pointing north-north west of the direction of the grip.
You should now have the perfect base on which to build the rest of your golf game.
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