2016/7/20 14:24:08
In the beginning, decide the force of your grasp. Range of 1-10, how tight you grip. 10 is the maximum intensity of your grip, 1 did not grip. Overall, within this range, the grip strength of good players is 6. Instead, get in the way tighter, tensions will come to the arm or upper body. After giving gentle but firm grip, observe the coordination of the entire swing. Swing in the process, the whole process consistent, which is good, tighter or looser? Often comfortable grip gently help you make a move skillfully. Remember, the more tightly grip the club, the more uncoordinated hand movements, the more influence the release.
Develop batting line
Affect your play and not just the body and release tension, grip too. To clear your mind, attention should be concentrated. Coordination to develop the first shot line. This line should make you relax and achieve positive results. Ball line before the development can make a clear mind in order to play you the freedom to strike.
Right foot in the post
In some swing in his right foot in the post will help you swing your hands with discount golf clubs to get a full release of the line. In aiming the ball, it will be released in about a foot right foot across the body, easy swing. You feel in the hand fully released, the action unchanged, put his feet back to normal position.
Use of large muscle
The strength of your body to fully play out, you must use your torso and upper abdomen. No matter which player, from boxing to basketball forward, will agree that force comes from the legs, trunk and upper abdomen. The large muscle at these sites, coordinated action is also dependent on them. Feeling of abdominal exercises buttons in front of goal last swing, the swing is completed, the body balanced on the right foot toes. To fully release the hips, the focus moves from the toes on his left foot.
In golf you can feel the biggest breakthrough is when your body and hands to exert the same time. To make this breakthrough occurred, must be the right elbow joint of bones by the right side of the body - almost close to the buttocks. Elbow and hip movement or the golf course this development effort. This is said to effectively force.
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