Golf Chipping Tips That Are Going to Slash Your Score
2016/7/20 11:08:09
The significance with the short game golf, which is, how to chip, can't be overemphasized. We would like to share some golf chipping tips which will truly lower your scores. So if you need to make yourself feel better about your game, get two buckets of golf balls and head towards the driving range. If you wish to knock golf strokes off your score and keep them off, break out about eight balls and head to the putting green. It may not appear sexy to get the ball in the hole consistently in two shots from anywhere in the vicinity of the green, but when you learn these golf chipping guidelines your score is going to go down.
As with all golf opinions I give, the very first thing I'll advocate with these golf chipping tips: keep it uncomplicated and be consistent. As for the consistent part, I do know many instructors think it best to utilize different irons for different chip shots, based on the length for the chip. I prefer using the wedge on more than 90% of my chip shots, but it may be any single club that you feel comfortable with. The main reason for this is then I can dedicate virtually all of my practice time with the club I will most likely be using for that shot when I'm on the course. It's going to feel more comfortable than using a variety of golf clubs for nearly an identical shot, and I feel I will maintain greater consistency when the single variable will be how hard I strike the golf ball, but that's just a personal thing.
As for the stroke, it should always be the unchanged.
1. At address, the weight should be forward and should by no means shift back, the stance should be open to make it easier for the hands to lead through the ball, and the ball should be back in your stance a sufficient amount to insure a clean ball strike. The hands are always in front of the ball.
2. It is my opinion most mid to high handicap golfers take the golf club back too far on the backswing. When the club is taken back a smaller distance you are going to be in a position to accelerate through the ball, and also you gain greater control when accelerating.
3. This is very important: keep the left arm straight and your wrist firm. The actual stroke at the time of hitting the golf ball feels a tad like the putting stroke; in the event you didn't keep a firm wrist on the putt at contact, you would most likely send the golf ball airborne with your putter. Just the loft of the club should launch the golf ball in the air with the chip, not the hand action.
If you are trying to flip the clubface into the golf ball, you make the golf shot much harder than it needs to be. This flop shot can be carried out using this technique, but it really is a difficult shot that requires a lot of finesse. It's less difficult to use a lob wedge for the flop shot, and a lot more reliable. As stated earlier, using these golf chipping tips to perfect your chipping will enable you to get the golf ball close to the hole on a consistent basis, and nothing lowers your score round after round more than getting the ball up and down in two each time.
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