2016/7/20 10:06:00
“The Big Miss” by Hank Haney is the latest Tiger Woods book and, at time of writing, is yet to be released.
Like any good marketer Hank Haney has leaked bits of information to the public through the press who had Tiger Woods riled about the book during a post round press conference. I suspect Tiger does not need any more distractions in his life right now but he is unwittingly helping promote it with his terse comments!
Clever marketing Mr. Haney.
And even smarter that the release date of the book is to coincide with this years Masters. A Masters that looks more and more like it will not include Tiger Woods in the field. After pulling out of the WGC Cadillac Championship, after 11 holes of the final round, it looks like his troublesome leg has not quite recovered.
Obviously Tiger’s absence will be missed but maybe he will take the opportunity to read the book. If for no other reason than to be in a position to answer the questions the press are throwing at him.
I personally cannot wait to get my hands on the book.
I read Tiger Wood’s book, “How I Play Golf” from a purely golf perspective and enjoyed it. Of course I never read anything between the lines with regard to his personal life and the persona he created prior to his very public fall from grace. Nothing to do with me, as far as I am concerned, but I do have an opinion and it would be interesting to dig out that particular Tiger Woods book and read it again. A few years on the book may read differently.
The new Tiger Woods book intrigues me for a different reason.
Sure we will read a bit more about his actual persona, not the public image he created and I am really interested to know the thoughts of someone who worked so closely to him. How they worked and his work ethics and goals should be riveting reading.
And then of course there is the issue of giving golf up entirely for the opportunity to join the Navy Seals.
Personally I find this fascinating.
We all know Tiger is a fantastic athlete and has a really strong mind but…………. joining the Seals is not just a matter of completing an application form. There is, I imagine, a very rigorous selection process.
I think a lot of current and former special forces will be interested in reading this particular Tiger Woods book even if they aren’t golf fans.
Now I don’t pretend to be a special forces soldier but I have several friends who served in the Selous Scouts and the Rhodesian SAS and from what I know of these guys (specialist soldiers) they are humble (extremely so) but very protective and proud of their selection into elite groups.
I am not so sure Tiger’s assumption – if I may call it that, and if it was indeed his assumption – that he could gain entry into the Seals would not be a rather contentious point.
I can’t wait for Hank Haney’s book to come out and have already placed my order. What could be more enthralling than a Tiger Woods book from one of the closest members of his support team?
In the meanwhile I think I am going to dig out my old Tiger Woods book, “How I Play Golf”, and read it again in anticipation of the new book.
And then if we could only convince Steve Williams to write another Tiger Woods book based on his experience as Tiger’s caddy. I suspect though that there will be contractual obligations there.
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