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Energise Your Golf

2016/7/20 10:03:06

Energise Your Golf

Golf requires a reasonable degree of health and fitness to play the game well. Whether you play for fun or professionally, you cannot hope to play your best golf if unfit or lacking energy.

Each round of golf involves around 4 hours of walking, bending and playing shots, which needs flexibility control and energy. You also need a clear mind to execute shots to the best of your ability. Once your concentration levels start to slip during a round of golf your shots just get worse, along with your score.

The good news is that it is never too late to start to improve your fitness levels and to energise your golf.

Walk for golf

The easiest way to get started is by walking. It gets your heart working, reduces blood pressure, works your leg muscles, burns calories and clears your mind.

Try to get out at least three times a week, which will help to build up your stamina. Walk for 30 minutes per session and increase it, as you get fitter. You will find that once you get use to daily exercise you will be disappointed if you have to miss it for some reason.

Decide exactly when you will go for a walk each week and stick to it. Prioritise your walks and try to fit other obligations around your exercise. If you do have to miss a session, make sure you rearrange as early as possible. The point is, to take action about your new exercise regime.

When you do go for a walk, stride out with confidence, the idea is to get your legs working and your heart pumping. It is not a gentle walk along the beach or through the park. Remember, you are doing it for physical exercise.

If you are feeling strong after a few weeks think about jogging and perhaps mix it up with the walking. You can always stop if you need to. Keep a record of what you do each week to measure your progress.

Down the gym

If you prefer to go to the gym for exercise, discuss your needs with one of the staff. He or she will be glad to help you exercise in a way that is safe and just right for you. If they do not know about golf fitness, they will find out about it, then provide you with a bespoke programme to achieve your goals.

If a senior golfer, or new to taking exercise, you should concentrate on flexibility and aerobics. Good flexibility will increase your ability to turn fully and help to prevent injury. Aerobic exercises will increase respiration and heart rate for improved stamina. This is just what you need when walking 4.5 miles or so round a golf course.

If reasonably fit to start with, you may also want to work on your lower and upper body strength. Strong legs provide a solid foundation for your golf swing and prevent you from getting tired during a long round. Upper body strength could increase your swing speed, however, be careful not to develop the wrong muscles, which could be counter-productive. If in doubt, seek advice from your gym trainer.

Other ways to exercise easily

Other sports to help you get fitter for golf, and for life for that matter, are swimming and cycling, which in company with golf are enjoying growing popularity. They are great ways for exercising as you can work at your own pace and increase your workout whenever you want to.

Daily routine

You could also add exercise into your daily routine. Always walk with a purpose. Walk instead of driving short distances. Get off the bus a few stops early. Do some strenuous gardening. Undertake stretching exercises at home.

The most important thing is to make a plan and keep to it. If you do, you will soon be reaping the benefits out on the golf course and shooting lower scores, which after all, is what every golfer wants. Who knows, if you energise your golf you may also get to live longer!

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