2016/7/20 10:01:34
How to Win The Masters: Maintain Your Golf Focus
Tiger Woods -- master golfer -- is arguably the world's most focused professional golfer, ever. If you have watched Tiger Wood's performance in major golf tournaments over the last decade -- on TV or in person -- you have seen a picture of almost surreal concentration on the tournament and each and every golf shot.
There's Tiger on a green stalking around the hole, sizing up the ball speed and break needed to hole his next put -- no emotion, a picture of concentration. There he is crouching down on a green, both hands cupped around his eyes to reduce glare and focus intently on the coming putt. The camera zooms in close and Tiger's eyes seem fixated on that next putt.
On the tee, there's Tiger again showing no emotion, no empathy with others as he sets up for his drive. As the camera follows Tiger walking from the tee to his ball, there's no sign of emotion, just a focus on what he needs to do to make his next shot the best that it can be.
On the final round of a golf tournament, there's Tiger wearing a reddish golf shirt -- as if to draw upon the aggressive and competitive nature of the color red to help him beat all competition.
Tiger has won The Masters Golf Tournament four times. His ability to maintain his focus and his lead in the final round is legendary.
The Masters Golf 2011: What happened?
Tiger made a determined charge to come from behind, but it was not to be. Did he somehow lost that intensity, that focus that helped him garner win after win? I think he did. Many things are going on in his life, including the aftermath of his personal indiscretions and marriage breakup -- plus nagging concern about his injured left knee and changes to his golf swing. He did not win.
Meanwhile aspiring Masters winner Rory McIlroy, a 21-year-old from Northern Ireland, put on a phenomenal performance in the first three rounds of The Masters 2011. Then, in the fourth round, his game collapsed. I think he lost his focus, He was winning going into the the final round and might have had visions of becoming the youngest winner of The Masters -- ever.
The following week at the Malaysian Open, Rory once again led the first three rounds, but was not able to hold onto his lead in the final round. He has an amazing golf swing and is a natural talent. One of the things he must learn is to maintain his focus and competitive drive in final rounds.
Mindset golf concentration and the ability to maintain your golf focus are essential skills in competitive golf. Practice them and you may improve your own golf game.
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