2016/7/20 10:00:06
A proper golf shoulder turn is an essential part of a good golf swing. It is important to understand what a shoulder turn is and how it is achieved.
To begin with, it’s critical to have a vivid mental picture of what a proper shoulder turn looks like and how the shoulders relate to the spine and to the golf swing overall. The key to a shoulder turn that will bring the clubface back to the same position it was in at address is an understanding of what the shoulders are and how they attach to the body.
The golfer should consider the body as consisting of three separate and distinct parts, the lower body (from the waist down), the upper body (between the waist and the shoulders), and the shoulders. The shoulders rotate around the upper body (specifically the spine) which acts as the anchor for the shoulders. Common sense tells you that if that anchor (the spine) moves, there’s almost no possibility that the clubface will return to the same position it started from at address. In order for your clubface to return to its position at address you will have to move your spine back into the exact position it was in before it moved. What do you think the probabilities are that you can do that? Since the chances are slim to none that a moved spine can be successfully moved back to its original position, it is imperative that every effort be made to keep the spine stationary during the swing up until impact with the golf ball.
Although the phrases “keep your head down” and “slow down your swing “ are meaningful swing tips, they are only helpful when they are kept in perspective. It is important to keep your head down so that you can observe your take away from the ball to be sure you’re not swaying off the ball and it’s necessary to slowly take the club away from the ball to be sure that you don’t lose your balance as this will almost surely cause you to move your spine. Unless you are a gifted and extraordinary athlete, there is no way you can keep your spine angle intact without practice. However, progress can be made with significant success. If you would like to know more about spine angle or would like more information about how you can practice maintaining your spine angle see my website.
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