2016/7/20 9:54:36
In a previous article I explained how an inside out golf swing can produce three different ball flights depending on the angle of the club face through impact. One of these shots is a draw and in this article I will explain why you cannot play a draw with any swing other than an in to out golf swing.
But let's get one thing clear.
There is a big difference between a draw and a hook! These two distinctly different shots are often confused by the average golfer. I know this for a fact because I played for many years believing that my hook was a wonderfully controlled draw. It was only after learning the ball flight laws that I truly understood how to recognize and play a draw.
A draw is a shot that starts out slightly right of your "target line" and then drops to the left back on to the target.
To determine if you have this right you need to have the correct set up.
Check your set up by placing a club on your "toe line" - this is a line that extends from the outside of your one foot to the outside of the other along your toes. Your "toe line" should run parallel to your "target line". Your "target line" is an imaginary line running from behind your ball to the target and should be parallel to your "toe line".
A special note of warning - your "toe line" should not be pointing to the target! This is what I used to do when I played the before mentioned hook which I thought was a draw shot!
With these two imaginary lines in place you need to bring your club back (in your downswing) to the ball on an inside path (that is to say inside of the imaginary "target line") and then extend it beyond and outside of the "target line" on your follow through.
This will start the ball right of the "target line" because of the direction of the club head - an inside to out golf swing.
The draw will result only if you have a square club head through impact. The picture I get is of a tennis player playing a forehand shot with top spin. Although the racket is square at impact it is the direction of the swing combined with the grip the string puts on the ball to give it that top spin.
In golf your "racket strings" are the grooves on your club face.
To play a draw you must have an inside out golf swing and a square club face at impact. There simply is no other way to play a draw shot - don't make the mistake I made of thinking a hook was a draw!
Your game will improve rapidly if you can master the draw shot.
Take the time to perfect your in to out golf swing with a square club face through impact for greater control, distance and accuracy - you'll be glad you did.
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