The Mental Game Of Golf Can Take Your Golf Game To The Next Level
2016/7/19 16:28:50
You have probably read a lot of information about what you need to do to take your golf game to the next level. Most likely you have been swayed by adverts and bought the latest and greatest golf driver or balls. But have you seen any significant improvement?
You have to stop believing in the myths that the big advertisers force down your throat. A great golf game is not only about having a perfect golf swing or using the most technologically advanced golf equipment.
Yes, there are certain golf swing guides that can help you with your swing and there are a few golf training aids that can fix an annoying swing fault. I have written, reviewed and recommended a few of these products on my blog. But there is a missing ingredient that you need to know about - the mental game of golf.
First, to dispel the myths that a great golf game can be bought, let's take a look at some facts:
25% of golfers back in the 1970's managed to break 90 and a smaller number could post scores in the 70's. 30 years have passed and we can now use over-sized drivers with larger and more forgiving sweet spots, wide sole and cavity back irons, and golf balls with 4 piece construction. So, how many golfers can today break 90? Well, from 25%, we have gone all the way up to 28%!
It has been estimated that 90 billion has been spent by the golf equipment industry on new technology and ad spend since the late 70's. So the golf industry should be contented to know that a further 3% of golfers have managed to break 90! Not included in those billions are the huge outlay of capital spent on the development of golf training aids and golf instructional products.
It is time to tell you of the missing ingredient that will promote the quickest and the most permanent change to any golfer's game. It is the mental game of golf, sometimes known as the inner game of golf that is the vital key to advancement. Amusingly, it is the one area of golf development which doesn't cost a cent to implement, yet hardly any golfer uses it.
The golf mental game - using your mind in a deliberate, orderly, and focused way is the surest manner for lowering your score card. There are several areas of the mental game of golf that you can explore, like:
-Using your imagination to win
-Confidence in yourself and your game
-Controlling your attention
-Finding your game and playing within it
-Curing golf nerves and anxiety
-Developing clear focus and mental toughness
-Eliminate anger from your game
You should by now be thinking about using the mental game of golf in your game; if you understand the significance of it. The top 5% of golfers understand and use the inner game of golf and that is what separates them from us. These top players know all about how to enter the "Zone" by using advanced visualization techniques that improve every area of their game, powerful goal setting processes, and mental imagery processes.
There is no doubt that golf is an intricate game and so there are many areas that you need to perfect and work on. The first thing you need to use is the right (not the most expensive) golf equipment for your game. You can then practice and improve your golf swing technique, and maybe work on your golf fitness training. But if you truly want to take your golf game to the next level and break 90 or even 70, you need to master the mental game of golf.
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