To Improve Your Golf Swing You Might have to Change it
2016/7/19 16:28:34
The game of golf requires control, consistency, and accuracy in striking the ball and driving it towards your intended target. For this to happen, golfers must achieve the perfect golf swing needed in each stage of the game. As the objective of the game is to have fewer strokes at each hole, you will probably need to improve your golf swing.
The Perfect Golf Swing is a Myth!
It is generally understood that we are talking about the conventional or traditional swing, when talking about how to improve your golf swing. But trying to master the perfect golf swing with this style is a very difficult undertaking. Most PGA Tour pros use the traditional swing, but if it was easy to dominate you wouldn't see them slicing or hooking their ball into the rough.
What Matters is a Perfect Impact
In fact, many PGA professionals have unusual golf swings. The thing that matters is how they make perfect impact, not how perfect their golf swing looks. If you have taken professional golf lessons or read a golf swing instructional guide, you will have noticed that there are several components that make up the swing; for the weekend golfer it can seam an impossible task to put all these components together for every swing they take.
Some of the components that you have to think about are cocking your wrist near the top of the back-swing and then releasing it, finishing the back-swing with your club parallel to the ground and pointing towards the target line, and the moment of the weight shift. Would it not be better to simplify your golf swing instead?
The Simple Golf Swing
Like many golfers, I have struggled to dominate the traditional swing. I then read about a simple golf swing that has fewer movements to it and so decided to give it a go. Believe me, it was the best decision I had made as my golf game is now more consistent and I have better accuracy and more distance.
A Solid Foundation
If you want to improve your golf swing, the first things to learn are the correct setup position, grip, and alignment. Without learning these basics, it doesn't matter what type of swing you go with, your results will not be good.
The "New" Perfect Golf Swing
I now have what I consider to be a perfect golf swing - by learning how to implement the simple swing. It sure does not look as beautiful as the Tiger Woods golf swing, but it gives me the outcome that I want. It involves basically, a shortened back-swing, less lateral movement by pivoting around the spine, and moving my chest, shoulders, and arms in a coordinated way.
To improve your golf swing, you have to find a swing that actually works for you. The simple swing technique will result in a repeatable swing and will give you a more consistent game of golf. Better still, the simple golf swing can be learned very quickly - so is it the swing that you have been looking for?
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