Great Easy Several Tips To Improve Golf Game
2016/7/19 16:27:03
Many people have tried to play golf believing it is simple and easy to do it. The fact of the matter is that it takes dedication and practice to improve golf game. Driving a small ball down a fairway the correct distance takes control and takes a lot of energy and concentration. Anybody can hit the ball with a club; the point is sending it in the right direction.
Men and women of all ages and shapes play golf. You can see the golf clubs all over the world full of people during the weekends and even during the week. Constant practice and permanent concentration on the game are necessary to achieve competitive status with in the club you play in. It takes total dedication to play in world know tournaments.
Fixing the direction of your swing takes a little time and a lot of practice, there are several factors involved in this which you must consider for every shot. The first is wind factor; the ball may be driven away from your target if the wind is strong. The direction your feet are pointing is important too because the ball will usually travel in a ninety degree angle from the direction of your feet. This means that if your feet are pointing west, the ball will go either North or South.
Many factors are involved when it comes to swinging at the ball and sending it in the right direction. The way you stand and hold the clubs is one of the most important and will affect the direction the ball will take. Your grip on the club will affect direction and strength too. A full swing will send the ball flying farther away than a short swing. So many things are involved in each swing and each movement and you must be aware of all of them.
Turn your head sideways and stare directly at the green flag or in its general direction. Place your feet in a ninety degree angle with regards to the direction your head and eyes are pointing to. Once this is done, keep the same general direction and stretch your arms out with the club towards the ball. Adjust your distance to the ball without changing your stance.
Keeping your eyes on the ball, swing the club without moving your feet at all until the swing is completed. The ball should fly away in a ninety degree angle to the position of your feet. Give or take a few feet due to the wind factor.
When you buy your equipment make sure it is designed for you. The grip on the clubs must fit comfortably in your hands. The length of the clubs must also be adequate for the length of your legs and arms. Comfort is the key when you are playing golf. Your swing must be a natural movement and not something forced and studied.
The swing is the most important factor in playing a good game of golf. You must practice it all day every day. It is your swing that dictates the direction and the distance the ball will go. This is why golf teachers insist on keeping your eyes on the ball, flexing your knees and swinging your arms all the way through. Practice makes perfection and golf is a good example of this.
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