Golf Swing Tips For Getting The Most Distance And Maintaining Accuracy
2016/7/19 16:27:02
Golf is a game based on mechanics. The more attention you pay to the mechanics of your swing, the better your chances of swinging for distance and accuracy. There are many things that make up a good golf swing, but there are three tips that you should always keep in mind when you are addressing the ball. The one constant in golf is that no matter what you know or think you know, if you want to get better you need to keep on practicing.
First things first. Before you can get that great swing you need to get really comfortable with your stance. Do you feel like you're bending too much? Then you are. Sometimes golfers heed the advice of other golfers even if it doesn't feel right. Not everyones stance is the right stance. Find one that works for you. Your swing is representative of how your stance feels. If it's bad, then you can count on your swing being bad. So, go get your club and just work on the stance that feels right.
The next thing to look for is where you are putting the ball in your stance. Each club in your bag has a different angle to the club head. That angle is designed to give you the kind of distance you expect from that particular club. You will also notice that the club head on your woods is shaped differently than your irons. The club head on a wood is designed to deliver more energy on impact than an iron and that accounts for the extra distance you can get from a well struck wood. If the ball is not in the proper place in your stance, then you do not gain any benefit from all of the golf club engineering that was just described. Woods require the ball to be forward in your stance to benefit from the energy these clubs generate at impact. Middle irons require the ball to be in the middle of your stance so that you can have better control over the accuracy of your shot. Short irons and chipping irons require the ball to be further back in your stance to allow the angle of the club head to better affect the spin of the ball. Put the ball where it needs to be in your stance and you will exercise greater control over the results.
Finally, it is a good idea to remember that a golf swing is a pivot type motion where you are transferring your weight and power from back to front. It is not a lifting or dropping motion, nor is it a shoulder swinging motion. Your whole body needs to pivot properly for a golf swing to lead to good results, so practice pivoting your body on your hips and properly transferring your weight from back to front to get good results. Do not lift your body, and do not allow your shoulders to dip down. You can prevent lifting your body by keeping your eye on the ball. Maintaining your focus on the ball during your swing almost insures that your shoulders will stay down on the ball as they are supposed to.
Practice your golf swing and incorporate the principles of weight shift and a smooth pivot to increase distance and accuracy. You should not approach the golf ball as though you need to hit it very hard to get it go where you want it to go. A smooth and cyclical swinging motion will always deliver more accuracy and distance every single time.
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