How, Using Golf Swing Mechanics Will Improve Your Game.
2016/7/19 16:25:44
Are you embarrassed with the state of your golf game? Have you lost count the times you've taken a tee shot and sliced it? Is it also a struggle to break 100? How many times do you end up in the rough instead of on the green.
These inconveniences could be rectified with the help of a golf balancing aid? It's been established to develop your golf swing and putting stroke, and then lower your handicap.
A resent study in the bio-mechanical analysis proved that the majority of the golfers researched were not conscious of where their weight was distributed during a golf swing. The studies also brought to light that having a balanced golf swing affected both amateur and experienced golfers; the report showed that 95% do not have a balanced golf swing.
A first-rate balance is necessary to consistently dominant your golf putts, full swings and chips. When you are addressing the ball your body compensates during the swing shot to give us the illusion we are correctly balanced.
The bio-mechanical investigations have found that golfers are not always conscious of where their weight is actually placed! They imagine that their weight is evenly dispersed and prepared to hit the golf ball.
Tests carried out using the bio-mechanical techniques on some of the world's top golfers showed some startling results. The tests revealed that the golfers thought they were undertaking the correct movement but were, in fact, doing something completely different.
Posture is certainly the most important issue at setup followed by the golf grip. If you're set up is weak at the address, you will find it impossible to co-ordinate the correct movements required to swing the golf club effectively time after time.
The studies also suggested that the bulk of golf tutors addressed the golf swing from the waist upwards, aiming on the angle of attack and the swing plane. Completely failing to aim on the correct mechanism of the golf swing, your legs. Your golf swing starts from the ground up! Maintaining stability and balance are essential to perfect the putting stroke.
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