Golf Sponsor Signs Come In Colors
2016/7/19 16:24:50
Without sponsors, many golf tournaments would simply not be possible. Sponsors help take the financial burden from the shoulders of the event organizers and spread it around. Traditionally sponsors are rewarded with a small sign at hole. While most sponsors readily admit that they are sponsoring tournaments in order to support a cause in which they believe, they also admit they would prefer more memorable golf sponsor signs.
The hole signs that are commonly offered to local businesses are generally very small printed black and white cards placed near the hole. Because they are all printed with the same font, and black text on white cards there is nothing that makes one sign distinguishable from any other. While most businesses admit they support the cause they donate to, most admit they would prefer a more individualized hole sign.
Sponsors almost always strongly believe in and support the causes they sponsor. The signs are sold to sponsors in order to help take the burden of hosting from an organization which could ill afford it and spread it around. The idea works and sponsors are usually plentiful for these events but most sponsors would donate more in order to receive a more personalized sign.
The choices in signs that acknowledge sponsors are diverse and definitely not limited to the black and white printed card. With advanced printing technologies today, a temporary card might be ordered which fitted the sponsor logos and colors exactly. What is attractive about these upscale signs is that sponsors in most cases defray the cost of the new signs themselves. The tournament organizers or charity will see more in the way of available funds rather than less by offering memorable signs.
Businesses who strongly support local tournaments have been known to order expensive custom golf signs when acceptable to the organizers. It certainly provides better value to the business but a better answer could be for the organizers to begin to offer these signs instead. Or to allow placement of a custom sign for an increased donation. The custom cards need be no larger than the standard signs but certainly can stand out more.
A golf tournament is normally an event, which holds to the highest standards in what is considered tasteful. While a stock car racetrack might be lined with brightly colored billboards that screamed out the sponsor name, a golf tournament usually has discrete and easily overlooked sponsor names. Discretion is excellent and good taste important, and both can be served with a custom sponsor sign.
Good taste in this case need not war with tradition. The most attractive feature is that these signs will not usually impose extra costs on the organization holding the tournament. Instead, a customized sponsor sign can be a great way to say thank you to faithful supporters and have them pay for the privilege.
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