Accomplishing Powerful Golf Swing
2016/7/19 16:24:24
How do you get a powerful golf swing? When you watch those big strong golf pro's swing that golf club so effortlessly but still reach those tremendous distances you can't help to wonder how they achieve this, it looks so simple and easy. You begin to think there has to be some type of secret that only the golf professionals understand and they will not tell anybody else how to get a powerful golf swing.
I am certain you have experienced that feeling once you are out on the golf course that you just cannot get any distance, your golf swing just don't feel comfortable, and the harder you try to hit that ball the more disastrous the outcome. You just don't have a powerful golf swing.
Off to the practice range and you discover that hitting four hundred balls just assisted a little bit if any, and on the golf course the next week you can see little improvement. So what do I need to do? You need club control and that will come automatically if you have a powerful golf swing.
The golf teacher at my golf club supplied me with a tip for acquiring a powerful golf swing. Practice your golf swing holding the club only in your left hand if you're a right handed player and vice versa if you are left handed. It helped a tremendous amount. I could see and feel the difference out on the course the first time
So I took it a step further and taped a piece of lead weighing about one pound just above the club head of my five iron. And begin practicing swinging the club like a typical golf swing, with the correct posture, grip, full back swing and full follow through but holding the club only in my left hand. Only for about twenty minutes a day.
An extremely simple golf swing drill but I couldn't believe the results I received. Now it feels like I am only pulling the club through the ball and it flies a mile. At last a powerful golf swing!
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