Tips For Creating Lag In Golf Swing
2016/7/19 16:23:32
Golf professionals hit the ball much farther since they make lag in a golf swing. Are they really that good to make it fly that straight? Yes, and that is because of constant practice. Aside from the gold clubs that they use, which give better output per force, they also use a technique called lagging. This is done by pulling the golf club along with your body; usually, we tend to use our arms for the swing. It is a little tough to imagine until you truly get to try it out.
Here is another example, try holding a pail of water and swinging it. If you let your body move along with your swing then there is no counterforce. This can easily let you hurl the pail without wasting no water during the process. Try this by just using your arms and hands and pushing it away by force. Not only will it cause more stress to your muscles, it will definitely spill some water.
Here is how to practice that swing. Produce a target within mind where you would like to aim the ball for your golf swing. Then while holding your golf club in your right hand, grip the handle with your last three fingers only. Your index finger and your thumb are pointing away from your grip, making it look like you are making a gun with your hands. This may seem like a weird way to hold a club while swinging it, but this is just until you get the feel of the swing.
The primary reason behind this is that we make use of our index finger and thumb in many activities we perform with our hands. By disabling them, it teaches the other fingers to take over the weight and handle it themselves. Think of this concept being applied on the club with your fingers in place; the weight of the club will actually bring itself down if there is less to support it. Now, the critical thing here is to consistently drill yourself of this action. If you focus too much on the ball and not on your swing, you will not get this technique right. You must take some time to let your fingers and hands understand how to move for you to be able to master this.
If this move is executed correctly, you will feel more weight on the index finger, and there will be a feeling of lag once you start to swing. While you're swinging it, it will feel as if the club is pulling away from you.
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