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Golfing Tips And Tricks To Hit That Ball Farther

2016/7/19 16:23:18

Tips on how to hit the ball farther are what every golfer wants to know. Most golfers love to watch TV only to see other golfers use a 7 iron and hit 195 yards. These golfers at home are wondering, why is it that when I use a 7 iron, I can only hit 150? The thing is, the whole perspective can't really be seen when you watch golf on TV. Factors such as how down hill or how down wind it is have yet to be considered. Whatever it is, we still just want to know those tips and tricks on how to hit the ball farther.

Some clubs are built for distance, while others are built for accuracy. Most of the time, people don't really know the difference. All the more do people not know what is causes that golf ball to go farther. Here are the two things to consider for you to hit that ball farther.

1. Hitting the Ball Solid

Most people think that swinging hard and swinging fast will get that ball to go farther. But even by swinging the club at a 110 mile per hour speed won't get your ball that far if you hit the ball off the toe and with an open clubface. Getting a more solid contact with the ball will make more of a difference. By creating a solid connection, more distance will happen because of the way you compressed that ball better.

Here's what you can do:

What you can do to hit the ball more solid is to notice where your ball hits the clubface. Try placing some masking tape on the clubface, and practice hitting some shots. After hitting a shot, try to see where the mark is on the face. If you notice the mark to be off center, either it's too low or too high, then that's what's costing you distance. What you want to see is that mark at the center of the face. That way, you don't have to swing hard to maximize distance.

2. Notice the Speed

The speed is another factor to hitting the ball farther. Usually people end up swinging their club really fast and hard coming from the top because they're excited. The speed created here is from the top of the back swing down onto the golf ball.

Your speed gets lost because you used it all up from the top of the swing. By the time the club hits the ball, there's nothing more to increase that speed. It's either the club slows down a bit, or the maximum speed is retained. Rather than having great speed from the top, it would be ideal to create speed through the golf ball, and until the finish.

Here's what you can do:

Take the driver, flip it over and hold it near the head. The grip is positioned where you normally hit the ball. You're not going to be hitting balls this time though, so there's no need to place a ball there.

What you're going to do is try to listen for an audio cue from the butt end of the club as it swings through the grip end. If you created speed early on, you're going to hear a loud noise from the shoulder down to the waist. If you did it correctly, however, you're going to hear that noise from a foot or two off the ground, up to knee high on your left side or past where the impact should have been.

Taking note of the two factors will help you hit the ball farther. If you practice these golfing tips and tricks often, you'll have more efficiency in your swing. You'll get that ball far even without exerting extra force. The next time you go to the course, take these tips and exercises with you. You'll be surprised at how far your ball can go this time.
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