Learning All About Disc Golf
2016/7/19 16:22:00
If you like Frisbee you will find Disc Golf an interesting game. It's popularity has grown since it was invented in the late 60's and formalized in the 70's. The object is similar to 'ball golf' which is completing each hole in the fewest number of throws. Instead of using a ball and clubs the players use flying discs or frisbees. Instead of a hole Disc golf players aim for a pole that is in the ground and has chains and a basket. If you love outdoors you will find disc golf fun as well since it is played in parks. It is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing outdoor activities around the world.
Disc golf Courses are designed like a traditional golf course. Courses usually have a listed par, for pro or amateur players. Each course is different and is rated by technical or challenging depending if they have obstacles such as trees which players must maneuver their discs around with specialized throws. Many city parks have golf courses already set up. Most disc golf courses consist of 18 or 24 holes, and you'll find some nine-hole courses too. However, as in ball golf, a course usually consists of 18 holes. Of the more than 3000 established disc golf courses as of 2010, approximately 87% are free. Five basic components go into a course design, disc pole holes, tonal poles, tee signs, tee pads, and topography. Disc pole holes are the main and most important components of a disc golf course.
The hole is also called a 'disc pole' and can be referred to as a basket or catcher. It is usually an elevated metal basket and is comprised of a center pole, a chain holder, and a basket. The circular basket catches the disc with its chains. The last throw is considered a 'putt' and the hole is completed when the disc lands in the basket.
Disc golf has three types of discs. The first one is the Driver and is the hardes to throw since it is meant to go the farthest. The second is the mid-range disc and has sharper edges to cut through air. The last is the Putter and is designed to fly straight and slow to give the most accuracy.
The 'Drive' is the first shot on each hole and is thrown from the designated tee area. The player then progresses down the fairway throwing each successive shot from where the last one landed. It is important to avoid any obstacles along the way such as trees or fences that could lead to more throws. Out-of-bounds is a part of every course and should be avoided or it is a one shot penalty.
You can throw the disc either backhand, forehand, or overhand. The forehand is the most common and allows the player to 'snap' the disc moreso than the backhand or overhand. All throws must be made with only one hand. Each player will carry a mini-disc to mark the spot where his throw lands. If the disc lands out of bounds the player must play the next shot within three feet from where it went out-of-bounds. Tee throws must be made behind the tee markers and when in the fairway the person farthest from the hole throws first.
The lowest overall score wins similar to real golf. The overall score is determined by adding up the score for each hole plus penalties. Each throw is counted toward the players score and each hole doesn't end until the disc is in the basket. The person with the lowest score on the previous hole throws first on the next hole. An easy way to keep score is to count all holes as a par 3.
Disc golf has a governing body called The Professional Disc Golf Association and has over 40,000 members. It is in charge of different events for ages, genders, and skill levels. The PDGA encourages involvement of all ages and promotes family involvement.
Disc golf is quickly becoming a great sport that can be played for a lifetime. It is great for fitness and helps prevent obesity by promoting an active lifestyle. The game of Disc golf is great fun for family and friends and continues to grow throughout the country. Because it is inexpensive all can play and benefit from the fun. With so many courses now available there is definitely one near you to try.
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