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Take Up Golf As A Family Sport

2016/7/19 16:21:44

Golf isn't the most popular sport to some people for many reasons, including the fact that it consumes time. That may be true and you may complain about it, but it would be better, though, if your entire family went golfing. Your children will benefit from golf in many ways, as it is a sport that can improve their hand-eye coordination and motor skills, and give them a good, brisk exercise walking around the course.

If your family isn't too much into golf, it's best to take lessons before anything else. You can either have them take classes at the local driving range, or with a Golf Pro who frequents said course. Before going onto the finer points of golf, you must all start by learning the fundamentals. You can turn golf practice into a great family activity, and the moment you notice that you're all making some progress, you can schedule an actual round of golf.

However, if you have smaller children, they might get tuckered out by 18-hole courses, so you can start out with 9-hole rounds. Golf is a gentleman's sport in many ways, so follow the unwritten rules of etiquette, such as letting other players play if you're holding things up. Your children will have to learn the rules and etiquette too, as they won't be able to run around screaming and laughing on the course. Safety precautions are important too, particularly with children who tend to forget where to stand and how to keep out of the way of swinging golf clubs.

If your children get to learn golf, they can learn valuable lessons about self-control and managing their temper. No matter how badly they play, they cannot lose their temper and throw clubs around (although we've all seen some adults behave that way on the golf course!).

Once your family is comfortable on the golf course, you should consider a golfing vacation. You can choose from several interesting accommodation deals offered by golf resorts, with their package fees inclusive of green fees and other charges. Some resorts offer child-friendly packages, with fun golf games and lessons included. These offer the adults an opportunity to play a round on their own too.

At first glance, golf may not look very taxing, but walking around all eighteen holes can make you think differently. Golf is a great way to get fit, a fun game to play, and an opportunity to spend a few hours outdoors in scenic surroundings. No team-oriented sport can boast of the same.
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