Golf Gifts and Promotional Golf Balls
2016/7/19 16:18:54
Using promotional items is a fantastic way to promote your business. Here what you are doing is giving businesses and individuals small gifts when they visit your business, or when they visit your promotional trade show display etc, but ensuring that these gifts are promotional through the use of branding. This has many great advantages for your company and will help you to achieve the following things:
It will make your company seem generous and it will make the recipient feel somewhat indebted and thus potentially obligated to your organization and thereby more likely to spend money
It will serve as a reminder (both conscious and unconscious) of your company for the recipient so that when they use the item they will be reminded of your business.
It will serve as advertisement for your business to other individuals and organizations who witness the promotional gifts and the branding on them.
It will create an association between your brand and the product and the positive emotions that the product evokes.
One such perfect promotional gift is a golf ball and golfing gifts. This is perfect for many reasons. First of all, golf is something that has many positive associations and connotations. When you think of golf you tend to think of business and many business people enjoy rounds of golf. This then means that your clients will be given something that they are likely to enjoy (if this is a business transaction) and that they will associate with the corporate world. It will be 'fitting'.
The other connotations of golf though are fitness and environmentalism. Golf is an activity that is performed outdoors and this means that your company takes on the associations of fresh air, green grass and healthy living, and because it's a sport that people enjoy it will also be associated with fun and sociability. All good connections to create.
Golf is furthermore something that a person does not generally practice alone. This then means that if you give an individual golfing merchandise or golf balls, other people will also see them. Give someone a promotional pair of slippers or promotional USB stick and it will largely stay in the home and not be seen much by others. However give someone a promotional golf ball and that's something that will travel outside with them regularly, that lots of people will see and that will be akin almost to sponsorship.
The other reason that golfing goods are perfect for promotional gifts however is that they are cheap and small. The small size means it's easy for you to store multiple gifts and then give them out easily at your convenience. Meanwhile the cheapness means that this isn't a huge investment and it means that you won't lose more money than you are going to gain from the promotion. This also means you can more readily give them away and that means you can get more out there in circulation. Unlike say a pen though, or a USB stick, the low cost won't equate to poor quality as largely a golf ball is a golf ball regardless of cost.
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