What are the benefits of playing golf?
2016/7/19 16:16:37
In recent years, it seems as though golf has enjoyed something of a resurgence in the UK. The emergence of young and talented players like Rory McIlroy has encouraged more people to try their hand at the sport and it is no longer seen as something that only older men play at the weekend.
As well as being a very enjoyable sport, there are actually a lot of benefits to playing the game that some people may not be aware of. Admittedly it is not at high-impact as some other sports such as football or tennis, but it is actually a great way of getting exercise.
People are working harder than ever and many will spend all their time in the office during the week before spending an hour on the train to get home afterwards. In the evenings they then need to do jobs around the house, see their family and friends and run errands. Similarly, a lot of people are very busy at the weekend because this is the only chance they get to dedicate a few hours at a time to a certain task or to visiting loved ones.
As a result it can be difficult for individuals to find the time to go to the gym for a workout. One way to get around this is to play golf as it is a social activity as well as providing players with exercise.
Groups can set aside a time every Sunday morning to play and if they stick to this it will so become part of their regular routine. This is the perfect chance for groups of friends to catch up and they can chat as they are making their way around the course, as well as when they have a drink or something to eat in the club house afterwards.
Furthermore, golf if a great way of getting some exercise - especially because people do not necessarily have to feel as though they are really exerting themselves as they are playing. Fairways are usually several hundred yards long, so this means enthusiasts will have to do a lot of walking to get around an 18-hole course.
They will also build up muscles in their arms as they start to hit the ball on a more regular basis. People who want to perfect their swing can do as at a driving range, which is also a great way of building up some more muscle, but without the hard work of going to the gym.
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