What steps you need to take for ensuring long golf trolley battery life
2016/7/19 16:16:30
Golf trolley batteries are usually expensive and therefore you should try to maintain the batteries in proper condition so that you do not have to spend much money on the batteries. There are certain things that you should do for extended life span of the batteries and thus in the process you should reduce the financial cost too. Also this would help you concentrate better towards your game.
Charging the battery: When you are charging the golf trolley batteries, always follow the instructions given on the manual of the manufacturer. You should never let you battery be completely out of charge before recharging. The best method is to keep the battery almost full at all times. You can also avail of the devices that would help you to have the battery charged with solar power. This also extends the life of the battery.
Check the water levels regularly: In most golf trolley batteries you would find water and the older the batteries become or if they are damaged due to any accident then the water levels become low sand hence the batteries cannot be charged properly and this in turn damages the unit and you are forced to change the battery quickly. Thus it is your duty to regularly check the water levels of the battery so that the life of the battery can be extended. Also always use distilled water or any other form of pure water for refilling because acidic or alkaline water damages the inside of the batteries and reduces the lifespan.
Proper handling of the battery: It is important to know that the golf trolley batteries should be always handled carefully. Never let it fall because if one part of the unit is damaged then the battery might not be charged properly or in worst case might not get charged at all. Therefore, it is essential that you should drive your trolley carefully and should try to avoid accidents. If the battery is damaged then your trolley might break down and you can be stranded waiting for any other trolley to pass by and help you.
Cleaning the leads: Often the charge of the batteries is hampered due to old and rusty leads. If not taken proper care then this can even cause fire. So you should always take care of the leads and never let the rust set it. Also replace the leads whenever they are old. Proper care would never let the engine fail and your trolley would run smoothly.
Summary: Golf trolley batteries should be charged regularly, the water levels should be checked and the battery should be handled properly and the leads should always be new and rust free.
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