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Lower Your Score And Play Like The Pros

2016/7/19 16:14:40

Golf is one of the finest sports in the world. While its rules and movements are simple, the complexities and subtleties involved can keep an enthusiast occupied for a lifetime. Once bitten by the golf bug, a player is likely to remain ever-vigilant in the quest to improve his or her game. Here are a few tips that might help:

Keep your grip at an even pressure. Grip too hard and your ball will have a tendency to fly right. Grip too loosely and you will send it left. Maintain an even pressure in your grip that allows for comfort and control. Keep this in mind if you find your shots going off course and adjust accordingly.

Do not neglect the basic fundamentals of club grip when you experiment with changing your swing. Your thumbs should always point down when you grip your club, and your hands should touch each other. There are plenty of minute changes you can make to your grip, but do not abandon the core requirements of a good grip.

A good way to maintain constant improvement in your golf game is to concentrate on trying new things instead of obsessing over techniques you have problems with. Not every golfer can master every subtlety of the game. Instead of ramming into a wall over and over, keep your head up and look out for alternative paths around the obstacle.

Make sure you build on your failures when putting. Paying attention to what happens with your ball on the first putt is important so you can determine how to approach the next putt more accurately.

A great way to putting some power behind your shot is to keep your body behind the ball before impact. Make sure your right foot is anchored all the way through, premature lifting of the right foot will take a lot of power out of your shot. You will not get as much distance either.

Keep your eye on the ball! This is repeated in every sport, but is also true in golf. When swinging, keep your head down and look at the ball, and follow its motion as you finish your swing. This helps line up your body in the right position for straighter shots.

For the beginner, you will lose golf balls and break lots of golf tees. It would be in your best interest to carry at least 6 golf balls with you when you play a course, and a bag of 25 golf tees. You can keep them in your golf bag.

If you're going to treat yourself to a golf club, have it custom-fitted. Because every golfer's build, stance and swing is different, not every club will offer the same results from one player to the next. Finding a club that is fitted to your needs will help your swing.

Golf's enduring popularity is easily explained by the vast opportunities it presents for athletic improvement and the refinement of sporting skill. Learning more about the game is simply another part of its appeal. For the devoted golfer, reviewing tips like these can be almost as enjoyable as hitting the links for a practice round - almost, but not quite!
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