Perfect Golf Swing Drills For A Better Golf Swing
2016/7/19 15:19:54
If you're a long time slicer, then these are perfect golf swing drills to help you build a solid swing and teach you how to correct your slice. A straight ball goes much longer than a hooked or sliced shot, and research done by Golf Digest proved this fact to be true. Many professionals such as Jack Nicklaus and the legendary Ben Hogan have had great success by learning to hit a consistent controlled fade. Unlike those legendary players, most players just want to hit straighter golf shots. If you have problems pushing or slicing the golf ball then you're not alone. Slicing is the number one problem that plagues most golf swings.
If you want to stop slicing one golf swing drill perfect for helping to correct a slice is to practice on the range with a club, usually around a five iron to seven iron that has a molded golf grip to make sure your hands stay in the correct position all the way thru your golf swing. Hand position is extremely important throughout the entire swing and a molded golf grip will help to build the proper muscle memory in your hands, wrist, and forearms for a correct swing. The great Harvey Penick once said, "If you're slicing, then look to the hands." That's good advice because the typical slicer can correct their problem by making sure their hands are properly positioned on the golf club throughout the entire golf swing. If the hands aren't positioned correctly the club face can remain open at impact producing the dreaded slice.
One of the most common and affective golf drills for straightening a slice is to turn your hands a little counter clockwise on the golf shaft. Just move your hands around just a bit more than a normal grip would be in the counter clockwise direction. You're slicing because your hands haven't turned over at impact so the club face is still a bit open. Although this tip doesn't work with all golfers you may find that this swing drill will help you close the face of the club at impact and hit a much straighter golf shot.
Another common mistake golfers make is that they don't keep their left shoulder down through their swing. If your left shoulder comes up before impact the tendency is for the arms to turn outward towards impact which opens the face of the club and produces a sliced golf shot. Golfer who tend to raise their head up before impact often find themselves slicing because they also raise their left shoulder and turn their chest too quickly. A great golf swing drill for keeping your head and shoulder down through your golf swing is to turn your head back to your right (this example refers to a right handed golfer) and look back at the ball with your eyes instead of looking straight down. This will give you an extra split second over the ball during your swing and help you keep your head down.
Breaking it down simply, if you want to stop slicing then you're going to have to stop spinning the golf ball clockwise. Whatever is causing you to slice is probably now a habit within your swing if you've played for any length of time. In order to stop slicing you'll have to identify what part of your golf swing is causing you to leave the club face open at impact. You may want to spend an hour with a golf professional who will video tape your golf swing and will help you pinpoint your problem area. There's also a ton of inexpensive literature on the Internet that will show you the swing drills that work and that will help you develop a better golf swing.
On your next outing to the driving range take your video recorder and a friend and tape yourself hitting a variety of your clubs just like you would on the golf course. Video taping your swing is one of the most effective ways of finding your swings weak or problem areas. Get a good book of golf swing drills and sit back on your couch and tear your swing apart. Not only will you learn more about proper swing techniques but you'll be on your way to a smoother more consistent swing and lower scores.
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