Golfing Attitudes to Keep in Your Bag!
2016/7/19 15:19:36
Let's face it, when we step on the course, our attitude can impact our games significantly.
There are number of attitudes to keep in our bags when we hit the links. Here are a few random suggestions that should help us improve our scores.
1. The golfer who is relaxed and confident plays a better game of golf than one whose knees are shaking at the thought of sand traps. Fear is one thing you never want to take with you to the first tee.
2. So if you change how you think, you change your game. Don't worry why the ball flew where it did. Just keep your mind focused on the next shot.
3. If you don't need the approval of others' In the grand scheme of life, is hitting a bad shot truly a disaster you can never overcome. If you're worried about what others think, chances are your game is really inconsistent. You're overly aggressive one second and overly conservative the next.
4. Playing with a perfectionist translates into 'no fun'. Perfectionism not only causes ulcers, but it ruins the joy of the game. Top players refine their skills every year. They're always improving in little ways that add up. You're not always going to play your best game, and you'll never play a perfect one - no matter how skilled you are. Work to improve little faults and your game will gradually get better and better.
5. One help in this aspect of overcoming fear is to concentrate solely on your game. Ben Hogan once wrote that "to ignore the gallery and the other golfers, and to shut my mind against everything but my own game" was key to his concentration. The key is to focus on the target, not the situation. Ignore the stakes. Just concentrate on your game.
Obviously some of these thought are easier said than done. Make an effort to play your next game by think confidently and staying focused. Attitudes do make a difference.
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