Putting - The Golf Tip To Sinking That Putt Every Single Time
2016/7/19 15:17:07
Do You Want to Sink That Putt Every Single Time? The obvious answer is yes, so what happens? The last time you played everything was the same, you always use the same glove, shoes and putter, your feeling confident as usual, but last time you made the shot easily. Today, you can't find the cup to save your life.
Are the powers to be against you?
Is putting a game of chance, lucky one day and not the next? It may seem that way some days, but let's see if we can improve the odds and ensure your putting success.
If you are having putting problems, could your solution be as simple as one little suggestion, RELAX.
Is tension your real enemy? Well, let's see. Try this exercise and compare the results. When you are having trouble sinking that putt I want you to tense up the muscles in you body, especially tighten up the ones you are going to use. In this awkward state try to make the shot. Absolute failure, right? Yet is that not the way we usually tackle something we are having trouble with, with brute force and anxiety, dreading the whole experience, especially if we know, we just can't do it?
If on the other hand, you approach putting as being fun, making it an enjoyable game, you will preform at your best. Now, relax, breath deeply. You will have more success at learning and becoming proficient at putting if you enjoy the experience, make it fun. When you are in a relaxed state you remember what you have just learned and your body works with you instead of against you.
So the next time you miss an easy putt, and become tense do not try even harder. The more tense you become, the more freedom you lose and your putting suffers. Instead of getting upset at yourself, relax. Your accuracy will improve if you keep your muscles relaxed.
You can change your putter, shoes, gloves, everything about your putting even coping the pros, but, nothing will improve your golf game as much as staying relaxed. Your imagination is a powerful tool so use it. While your waiting your turn, take a couple of deep breaths, see yourself in your minds eye, sinking that shot.
If you stay relaxed your putting will improve, your confidence will rise, and you'll have a great golf experience. So it really is your fault. It is not the course, your equipment or you partner. Sinking that putt every single time depends on you.
For all those rainy days that keep you off the green or you just can not find the time to drive all the way out to the golf course, but really want to squeeze in a fast game, just play a round of virtual reality golf on your computer.
Computer video golf games, use the same rules and regulations as real-life golf. Swinging, hitting, wind speed and terrain are identical to playing real golf.
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