Now Playing: Heavy Putter Goes Deep Like an Oscar-winning movie, Boccieri Golf's newest line of putters isn't afraid to call itself heavy and deep. But golfers who use them won't be sobbing into their playing partners' shoulders anytime soon. (Although they may get an unexpected workout in the process.)
Steve Boccieri first introduced his Heavy Putter in 2005 and has been making people rethink how putters should feel ever since. The clubhead weighs an average of 100-200 grams more than conventional putters, and another 250-gram weight is added to the grip end (moving the balance point higher than traditional putters and the total weight to approximately 900 grams). Why add so much weight? Some think it's just to torture caddies, but we know it's to engage a golfer's larger muscles and help players achieve the desired pendulum effect. Also, thanks to added weight momentum on the forward stroke, the Heavy Putter prevents that unwanted split-second hesitation before impact—a hitch in the stroke that's better known as "the yips."
New for 2008 is Boccieri's Deep Face ("DF") Series ($169), which features five models that boast a putterface one-quarter inch higher than conventional putters, making it easier to align the equator of the golf ball with the putter's sweet spot. And more putts hit on the sweet spot mean more consistent accuracy and distance control. For more information, check out_Ê
Modern-day use of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) technology is proliferating in golf training aids, helping golfers better see their alignment, swing path, setup and more. We picked five laser-assisted devices that, we have to admit, not only can help lower your score, but are also a hoot to experiment with.
Laser TeeThe Laser Tee is a smart device to help perfect your address position by beaming a laser at the inside heel of the forward foot. Then, by using the attached measuring tool, golfers can practice their ball and setup positions with ease.
Eyeline Putting Laser LineThe Putting Laser Line is a neat device that simply affixes to the putter shaft and beams a straight line directly in front and behind the ball. It's also adjustable, helping golfers either see a perfectly square setup or a red beam along the target line.
Redeye i330 Laser PutterThe innovative RedEye i330 features a single laser beam that emits from the center of the face for perfect alignment practice. However, the coolest part is the fact that the laser cartridge can be swapped out, resulting in a functional, USGA-allowed putter.
Argon Laser PutterUsing a three-laser system that illuminates the ball and both sides of it, the Argon Laser Putter is an ingenious device for developing proper alignment and fixing any lopsided putting strokes. Other features include an Argon Dome for enhanced practice.
The Smart StickDesigned to teach the three P's of the game (Plane, Power and Precision), the Smart Stick uses high-powered green lasers at opposite ends to get the job done. The lasers are so strong that this device can be used effectively outdoors. Other cool features include a Wrist Bar.
Fix Your Duffs If you're tired of hitting weak slices and smothered hooks, the Duffix Swing Trainer ($89) is a device designed to help combat both. With a simple screw clamp that attaches to any club, the Duffix uses a weighted device to prevent the hands from releasing too much (the culprit of a hook) or to help encourage more roll of the hands to prevent a slice. In particular, we like how it works well with any club—even a putter. For more information, check out
One of the more intriguing golf balls to roll down the hallway of the GT editorial offices, the premium-priced Caesar Golf Ball ($10/ball) has a slick outer shell, which the company claims eliminates hooks, slices and improves roll on the green. (Think of a cue ball for golf.) And though distance will invariably suffer, this ball is a lot of fun to hit and is at its most useful on short holes. Also of note: The Caesar Golf Ball is accepted under USGA rules. Sounds fun, doesn't it? For the scoop, log on to
It doesn't matter how well you've grooved your golf swing, if you don't have the right measurements on the course, you're not going to score well. Enter the world of handheld GPS units, which as of late, have become the next "must have" golf accessory. Golf Logix ($349) is a company dedicated to making the task of getting proper yardage an easy one, thanks to a very simple and user-friendly interface, a large screen and an easy means for downloading content. Speaking of which, for a $29 annual fee, golfers can download as many courses as they wish to their computer and import up to 10 at a time on the device._Ê For more information on how to use and get one, be sure to check out
Already synonymous with the finest in putter craftsmanship, Scotty Cameron has unveiled four new Newport ($299) shapes that feature fixed, stainless-steel heel and toe weights that are calibrated to match putters of various lengths (33, 34 and 35 inches). Other features include a precision-milled stainless-steel body, bold red graphics and what is now a popular part of every Scotty Cameron putter, a red grip. Log on to for more information.
The Feb/Mar issue of Golf Tips mistakenly switched the decription of the Bridgestone e5 and e6 golf balls. Sorry for the error!
The newest addition to Clarus Transphase Scientific's Q-Link line is their polished unisex Titanium Bracelet ($199). The lightweight design features flexible sides for a comfortable fit and a Dual SRT-3 wafer design (Sympathetic Resonance Technology, in case you were wondering). How does it work? The Q-Link people claim SRT helps users think clearer, sleep better and have a greater sense of calm. Just what you need when faced with another one of those forced carries. For the link, check out
Auditory feedback has become a vital component to golf instruction in the past few years. Mats with embedded sensors let students know when they're out of balance, and CDs with rhythmic beats teach users proper tempo. Tac Tic devised their patented "click" training aid after developing a wrist guard to combat carpal tunnel syndrome. Now the company boasts six golf training aids in their catalogue. Pictured here is the Elbow Tac Tic, which helps golfers keep their left arm straight throughout the swing. (It can also be adjusted to fit the right arm for southpaws.) Look for Tac Tic on
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