Boilies you buy fall into three main categories – frozen baits that tend to be very nutritious, quality ready-mades that just have added preservatives or have been air-dried and, lastly, lower quality ready-mades. It can be a minefield sorting out the better ones in any category but here’s five brilliant ready-mades that I have great confidence in.
I have caught more carp on Dynamite Baits’ Source than any other. Developed by carp legend Terry Hearn, they are great for instant hits and you don’t pay extra for the 10 mm baits. Also in 15, 18, 20 and 26 mm ready-mades (plus 15 and 18 mm frozen) at £8.99 a kilo plus 2.5 kg bags of 15 and 20 mm at £21.25. Also pop-ups, dips, liquids, base mix and pellets available.
The Zennon Bojko range of eight boilies is made from quality ingredients. There’s a pure Diamond White for those like the in-vogue colour while my other favourites are GLM Plum, Essential Fish and Essential Opal but I’d cast any of them out with confidence. Available in 18 mm size only in 500 gr packs at prices from £6.65 to £5.89.
A brilliant bait to catch from the off. The backbone of this bait is quality liver powders, liquidised liver, blood haemoglobin, keramine and meat meals plus bird foods. Available in 10, 15 and 20 mm in 1 kg resealable bags at £10.99 plus 5 kg buckets of 15 mm baits for £49.99 plus pop-ups, paste and a spod and stick juice. Freezer baits also available.
Kevin Nash’s Top Rod range of Squid boilies have taken apart many waters. Made from quality ingredients, there’s Scopex Squid Liver Plus, Scopex Squid Plus Robin Red and Maple Squid Plus – all are winners. A huge range, 750 gr of 15 and 20 mm boilies are £9.99 while 4 kg packs are £49.99, 400 gr of 10 mm plus 12 x 20 and 10 x 15 mm cylinders are £6.99.
Trigga and winterised Trigga Ice are instant catchers as well as a long term-bait. A serious food source that keeps carp coming back. Available in 10, 15 and 20 mm in 400 gr bags at £5.55, the two bigger sizes in 1 kg bags at £10.99 and 5 kg buckets at £44.95. Also pellets, hookable pellets, pop-ups, base mix, feed, bag mix, sprays and bait soaks plus frozen boilies.
The above article was from Colin Davidson’s Carp World in 2011, a weekly feature in the big value Angler’s Mail magazine. It’s the best read for carp fishing advice, best baits for carp, carp tips and more. Be sure to pick up your copy each week!
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