There are many surface controller floats on the market now.
Korda’s Interceptor Distance Controller Float features interchangeable bodies between the sizes to suit the distance you are going to fish at. There are now some fantastic models by other manufacturers too. Should you need to cast out further, simply change the body to a heavier one.
To set the float up, simply pull the body off the hollow tube and insert the main line through the tube.
The line should emerge out of the end of the tube and through the soft recess, which is designed so that a No.11 ring swivel will fit perfectly. Tie the main line to this swivel, then wet the barrel of the swivel and push it into the soft insert.
Attach a 5 to 7 ft hook length, such as Drennan Double Strength or, as shown, Korda’s Kruiser Control hook length.
Now attach your hook, like this Mixa B in a size 12, to complement the bait size. Put a John Roberts Pellet Band or Greys Prodigy Band around your hook bait and push the point of the hook through the tag of the band and slide up the shank.
Lock the band into place on the shank by using a small blob of superglue.
The rig is almost complete and all that remains is to fit the body of the Interceptor back onto the tubing.
Do this by aligning the slot of the body with the main line and slide up onto the tube and push down to fit snugly over the soft swivel housing into the recess of the float body.
Now you are ready to start floater fishing!
Apply some Mucilin line floatant to the main line if you are having problems with it sinking.
Good luck! Surely nothing beats targeting cruising carp on floating baits on warm days!
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