Sonar to go. Photo: Kendal Larson
Have you noticed that many kayak anglers seem a bit driven? Such is the case with Brice Sanchez, of Houston, Texas. Brice is a native New Mexican, who it seems is making up for those years living in arid lands. He just has to be out on the water, no matter which of his many boats he’s paddling.
“It doesn’t matter to me if it’s fresh or salt water. And that’s true for my wife too, though for her she just thinks I fish too much,” he says chuckling.
Though he’s quick to joke, he’s very serious about catching fish when he’s out. Be it stream or lake, beyond the breakers or stalking the flats, you’ll find him using some of the best tools of the trade, including a combo depth finder/gps which he finds invaluable.
Unlike many kayak anglers, who permanently mount their transponder to shoot thru-hull, Brice much prefers a portable exterior mount based on the Scotty system that allows the transponder to be fully submerged, and allows him to quickly move it from kayak to kayak, or even to his Solo Skiff.
“It means I’m getting an accurate read on water temperature, and that has definitely translated into catching fish,” he explains.
No doubt his technique works. He finished third in the IFA Kayak Tour, his first tournament ever. He took second place in the PACK (Paddling Anglers in Canoes and Kayaks) tournament, only his second tournament, and took second in the KATS bass tournament, another first of its kind for him.
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