Catfish are beautiful. Or if not exactly beautiful, then at least maybe we can agree on adjectives like distinguished, pleasingly plump and vaguely cartoonish條ike big swimming caricatures of themselves. Cats are unexpectedly bright, too, like running into a bar-bouncer and finding out he possesses a genius IQ.
Just ask scientist Gordon Farabee, who conducted intelligence tests on ten common freshwater fish, including bass, trout, sunfish and channel catfish. Catfish scored highest at 90% in the brainier category, while largemouth bass and rainbow trout failed miserably. Take that, Mr. Smarty Pants. Beyond street smarts, catfish have also been proven to possess superior senses of taste and smell, making them one of the most prudish diners in freshwater. But here抯 the most important lesson of all: catfish simply love to eat.
The more natural scent a potential food source emits, the more catfish it will attract and tempt to bite. Working from these precepts, the catfishing Grand Poobahs at Rippin Lips have spilled their guts on an entirely new category of catfish bait. Leakin?Livers sounds a little like every other stinky, greasy-grimy gob of cat bait available today.

Yet, the truth is it抯 anything but that梐nd less and more.
While many catfish baits use artificial ingredients, Leakin?Livers is 100% natural and contains no preservatives. In fact, in water, each bait breaks down and dissolves in less than an hour梐ll the while delivering a fresh aromatic stream of succulent scent; and it doesn抰 take a bloodhound to track down the source. Fish easily hone in on the specially formulated scent trail, and gobble Leakin?Livers like catfish candy.
While most catfish baits are gooey, stinky and messy to use, Leakin?Livers is anything but. These baits become pungent in water, yet in the pack they easily pass the sniff test. That抯 because the scent and flavor is locked inside each bait, waiting to be activated and unleashed by the angler.

揕eakin?Livers is a truly unique catfish bait,?says professional catfish guide and tournament champion, John Jamison. 揟he baits are semi-rigid to the touch, but soft inside. Pinch one between your fingers until you hear the bait lightly crack. You抳e now activated the bait, releasing a scent and flavor-rich morsel that puts off a continuous taste-trail in the water. Fish this bait next to others and watch what happens.?
So in review we抳e got 100% natural, no mess, and powerful lasting scent and flavor. We might as well add one more梕asy to use. Leakin?Livers baits easily impale onto a 1/0 treble or single baitholder hook, or even a 1/0 Rippin Lips Circle Hook for bigger blues and channel cats. No need for special ringed treble hooks or other special baitholding devices. You won抰 even fret about baits flying off hooks on the cast, or the need to re-bait every few minutes, as is the typical aggravation with other catfish baits.

揕eakin?Livers are better than dip bait, too?asserts Jamison. 揟hey抮e clean in your hands, yet in water Leakin?Livers delivers a steady stream of fresh scent for up to an hour. Baits stay on the hook and continue calling cats into your fishing area.
揟ournament anglers even use it to spice up their cutbaits, such as skipjack herring. The stuff gets bit. As long as you抳e got this bait on your hook, you抮e going to catch catfish. It抯 just that simple.?
Available in re-sealable 15-bait packs, each bag of Leakin?Livers provides you with days of great fishing. Brewed with all natural ingredients, Leakin?Livers comes in four power-packed flavors桹riginal Chicken Liver, Blood, Garlic and Fish Oil. For more information or to order baits, visit
About Rippin Lips
Based in rural South-Central Pennsylvania, Rippin Lips ( has been creating America抯 catfish-catching抏st bait since 2008. Their popular Leakin Liver?Catfish Bait梬hose top-secret recipe continues to be tweaked and fine-tuned each season梠ffers advantages and ingredients not found in other catfish baits. 100% natural, non-messy, biodegradable, and easy to use and keep on the hook, Leakin Liver gives off a continual profuse scent trail that lasts for up to an hour, at which point the bait has completely dissolved into the water. Beyond Leakin Liver Catfish Bait, Rippin Lips also manufactures and distributes a potent line of tackle and gear, including Scent Trail?Fish Attractant, No-Trace?Scent Eliminator, and catfish hooks, rods and bait-keeping products. With design input and guidance from elite tournament angler and guide John Jamison, Rippin Lips is fast becoming a leading name in catfishing gear.