How long does the catfish grow in size?
Catfish can vary greatly in size, depending on the species. Some species, such as the whale catfish (Silurus glanis), can grow to be over 13 feet (4 meters) long and weigh over 300 pounds (136 kilograms). Other species, such as the dwarf catfish (Corydoras pygmaeus), only grow to be about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) long. Most commonly found catfish species tend to grow to be between 1 and 3 feet (30 and 91 centimeters) long. The growth rate of catfish also varies depending on the species and environmental factors such as temperature, food availability, and water quality. In general, catfish grow most rapidly during their first few years of life, and their growth rate slows down as they age. Catfish can continue to grow throughout their lives, but the rate of growth will decrease with age.
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