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Are hot dogs good bait for fish in a small lake?

No, hot dogs are not good bait for fish in a small lake. Hot dogs are not a natural part of a fish's diet and may even be harmful to them. Fish are more likely to be attracted to natural bait such as worms, minnows, or grubs.

Outdoor Sports
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3rd Base- Softball
Big Spawn, Big Worm
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How do I get rid of metals from my pool water?
Volk 22 caliber rifle
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Freshwater Fishing

a sport king engraved reel

a sport king engraved reel
Question The image   My husband has a Sport King fishing reel given to him from his great

Pin distance

Pin distance
QuestionI have been told to get at least a 3 in pin when I get a ball. What if any difference i

What's Your Favorite Topwater Bass Lure?

What's Your Favorite Topwater Bass Lure?
There are dozens of different topwater bass lures. Most will work sometimes. A very few work most o

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