- Most diverse group of fish
- Examples: Tuna, Salmon, Goldfish
2. Cartilaginous fish - Chondrichthyes
- Sharks, rays, skates, chimaeras
- Have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone
3. Jawless fish - Agnatha
- Most primitive group of fish
- Lack jaws and paired fins
- Examples: hagfish, lampreys
4. Lampreys - Petromyzontiformes
- Eel-like, jawless fish with rasping tongues
- Parasites or predators on other fish
5. Hagfish - Myxinidae
- Eel-like, eyeless fish without paired fins
- Produce large amounts of slime when threatened
6. Coelacanths - Latimeriidae
- Primitive, lobe-finned fish thought to be extinct
- Two living species discovered in the 20th century
7. Lungfish - Dipnoi
- Primitive fish that can breathe air using lungs
- Able to survive in low-oxygen environments
8. Flatfish - Pleuronectiformes
- Have flat bodies and swim on one side
- Flounders, sole, halibut
9. Mackerel - Scombridae
- Fast-swimming predators
- Tuna, bonito, mackerels
10. Cod - Gadidae
- Commercially important food fish
- Cod, haddock, Pollock
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