My preferred
method of fishing is backcountry fishing. As a general
rule backcountry fish tend to be dumber they see fewer flies and are
more willing to take an artificial then fish that receive a lot of
pressure. They maintain their true natural predatory instincts while
the pressured fish have had their's dulled over time by negative
reinforcement from their lips being ripped by too many hooks.
Backcountry fishing also differs from normal fly fishing because you
usually field strip your fly boxes so save weight in the pack. A small
box with a select group of flies you hope will do the job. As the years
go on your box becomes more and more honed to flies you will use.
The closer the season becomes the more I realize I have to hit the vise
and get some flies tied.
love fishing top water flies to high country
trout so the majority of my flies I take into the backcountry are dries.
The number one fly I have to have in the high country is a hopper
pattern. For some reason greenback cutthroats are genetically
engineered to need to eat these when they see them. One of my favorites
to use has been the hopper juans a wide range of sizes are needed. You
want to match the size of the hoppers they may be seeing usually pretty
small but larger sizes get noticed and usually taken. I do use a few
other hopper patterns so experimental personal patterns and some bought
patterns. A good tutorial site for tying the hopper juan is
next fly that is on my need to tie list because I currently only
have one left in my, are stimulators. I tie these flies with and
without legs