George Bass and Matthew Flinders embarked on a significant expedition in a small boat named the Tom Thumb in 1795 to explore the waters around Australia. While the exact list of supplies they carried may not be fully documented, here are some general supplies that would have been essential for such a journey:
Food and Water:
- Sea biscuits: Hard, dry biscuits that were a staple of long sea voyages due to their durability and ability to withstand harsh conditions.
- Salt meat or dried fish: Preserved meat or fish to provide protein during the journey.
- Fresh fruit and vegetables: If available, they would have carried fruits and vegetables that do not spoil quickly, such as apples or potatoes, for additional nutrients.
- Water casks: Several casks or barrels to store fresh water for drinking, cooking, and other purposes.
Navigation and Exploration Equipment:
- Compass: A magnetic compass to determine directions.
- Sextant: An instrument used to measure the angle between celestial bodies and the horizon, helping to determine latitude and longitude.
- Charts: Maps and charts of the region to aid in navigation and explore uncharted waters.
Sailing and Ship Maintenance Supplies:
- Sails and ropes: Spare sails and ropes for repairs and replacements if needed during the journey.
- Tools: Basic carpentry and metalworking tools for any necessary repairs or adjustments to the boat.
- Anchor and chain: To safely moor the boat during stops and anchorages.
Personal Supplies:
- Clothing and bedding: Appropriate clothing for different weather conditions, as well as bedding for sleeping on board.
- Personal items: Personal hygiene items, such as soap, towels, and basic medical supplies.
Survival Gear:
- Fire-starting tools: Flint, tinder, or other means to start a fire for cooking and warmth.
- Signaling devices: A mirror, flares, or any signaling equipment for emergencies.
It's important to note that the Tom Thumb was a small boat, so space would have been limited, and supplies would have been chosen carefully based on necessity and weight considerations.
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