Choose the right rod and reel. A medium-heavy or heavy-power rod with a fast action is ideal for flick fishing. Pair it with a reel spooled with 12- to 14-pound test line.
Select the right jerk bait. Choose a jerk bait lure that is about 4 to 6 inches long for largemouth bass. The color of the lure will vary depending on the water conditions and the type of bass you are targeting.
Find likely structure. Largemouth bass are often found near structure such as weeds, rocks, and trees. Look for areas with a mix of cover and open water.
Position the boat. Once you have found likely structure, position your boat so that you can cast your lure into the cover.
Cast the lure. Cast the lure into the cover and allow it to sink.
Start twitching. Use your rod tip to twitch the lure. Start with small twitches and increase the size of the twitches as you work the lure through the water.
Vary your retrieve. Vary the speed of your retrieve and the size of your twitches. Experiment until you find the retrieve and the twitching action work best.
Wait for the strike. Largemouth bass will often strike the lure as it is twitching or pausing. Be prepared to set the hook firmly when you feel a strike.
Fight the fish. Largemouth bass are strong fighters. Keep your rod tip high and use a strong, steady retrieve to bring the fish to the boat.
Land the fish. Once the fish is at the boat, use a net to land it. Be careful not to injure the fish.
What's Your Favorite Kind Of Bait To Catch?
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