Make The Most Of Your Bass Fishing Tackle
When you consider bass fishing tackle, there are a number of decisions to make, but one of the most important things to think about is the size of the lure you plan to use. This piece of bass fishing tackle is one of the most debatable of all the various tools and instruments you'll use, and you'll find that different anglers have very different and sometimes opposing viewpoints on the matter. In order to make up your own mind, you should use trial and error, but in the meantime, you can start with a few pointers.
Often overlooking the importance of the size of the lure, many anglers make inappropriate choices the first time around because they are concentrating too heavily on other aspects of bass fishing tackle. When looking at various bait sizes, many anglers refer to "sissy" baits and "bubb" baits. What many don't realize is that they are not choosing a less powerful bait by opting for the smaller baits. The best size to use depends on several factors, and sometimes the smaller baits work out better for attracting your target. Water clarity, available forage, fish activity levels angling pressure, weather, and the actual size of the bass you want to catch all make a difference in your choice of lure size.
Bass fishing tackle has no standard across the board that all fishermen follow. Water clarity definitely should affect your decision as to the size of lure you choose. When the water is very clear, using a larger bait reveals the various "plastic" aspects of the lure too well in the very developed eyesight of the bass. As the bass approaches the bait, it may change its mind and turn away if your bait is too large. Therefore, in clear water, smaller lures are better. This tends to be during the spring when anglers are targeting fish beds full of spawning bass. If the clarity of the water or ability of the light to penetrate the water changes throughout the day, you should be prepared with bass fishing tackle to adjust with the change.
The number of anglers on the lake affect the angling pressure and should be taken into account when choosing the size of your lure as well. If everyone is casting the same size baits in a small, concentrated area, it is a good idea to change things up and give the bass something different that stands out in the crowd. If, for example, everyone has a 4-inch craw crank, you might try a 2-inch crankbait.
Where To Find The Best Bass Fishing Bait
The Best Bass Fishing Baits