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The Best Saltwater Fishing Line Won’t Break Under Pressure

When you go saltwater fishing, the last thing you want to have happen is to have your line break as soon as you have that record breaking fish on the line. You


Success of Bass Fishing Lures Determined By Many Factors

The most frequently asked question about fishing pertains to the best bass fishing lures to use to catch the most fish while on the lake. It is also one of the


Bass Fishing Reports of North America

Bass fishing reports usually cover bass species that are considered to be game fish such as, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass and Guadalupe bass.


Very Versatile: Bass Hunter Fishing Boat

Bass Hunter fishing boats were first created nearly thirty years ago. The goal was to create a boat that was able to be transported without a trailer since it


Learning More about Largemouth Bass Fishing

When it comes to fishing for largemouth bass, there is nothing more important then trying to find the perfect technique. What may be the best technique for one


Locked and Loaded: Bass Fishing Rods

Every sport, every activity, has its source. The source of power, the funnel of energy; athletes cannot do it alone. The baseball player has his bat, the hockey


How to Get Started Smallmouth Bass Fishing

Most people have heard of the sport of bass fishing before, but not many people are educated on smallmouth bass fishing. It is basically an identical sport, onl


Finding a Good Price on a Saltwater Fishing Boat for Sale

If you are looking for a good place to find a saltwater fishing boat for sale then I am here to help you. There are many places you can go to find great prices


Bass Fishing Can Get Heart Pumping

There are few experiences for a freshwater angler than watch a huge lunker fly out of the water with their bait in its mouth. This adrenaline-pumping moment is


Making Use of the Largemouth Bass Fishing Guide

Before you head out on your next largemouth bass fishing trip, make sure that you take another look through the largemouth bass fishing guide. If this is someth


Making the Most Out of a Bass Fishing Tip

When it comes to wanting to make the most out of a bass fishing tip, there is certainly nothing better then following the advice you were given. While there cou


Looking at the Top Bass Fishing Lakes in Louisiana

There is one thing for sure; Louisiana has plenty of water and plenty of bass. It is estimated that 41% of the nation’s costal wetlands can be found in the st


Fly Fishing Instruction: Learn about Everything from Tying Flies to Casting

No doubt, a beginner may think that fly fishing is simple, though a more advanced angler would tell them different because they would realize the numbers of cha


The Advantages of Fall Bass Fishing

For the avid bass fisherman, fall bass fishing is one of their best times of the year. Bass tend to be creatures of habit and this is how they live their lives,


Where to Get the Best Bass Fishing Lure Selection

If you are looking to buy some bass lures, whether you are looking specifically for largemouth bass fishing lure or any other type, of course you are going to w


Fly Fishing Instruction Can Replace Casting Frustration

Before spending a ton of money on equipment and heading out to the water, it will pay to receive some fly fishing instruction to prevent becoming frustrated wit


Purchase the Right Kind of Striped Bass Fishing Tackle That You Need Now

Bass fishing is well-known fishing event among many fishers around the world today. It could be observed that through the years, the development of the event ha


Many Locations Considered Texas Bass Fishing Paradise

With a multitude of lakes and rivers to choose from Texas bass fishing can be a year round sport, no matter where in the state you live. Although it helps to un


Fly Fishing Rods Must Be Matched to Fly Line

As important as choosing the right fly for the season and waters being fished may be, choosing the right fly fishing rods to match the line and bait can make or


Thirty Years of Quality: Bass Tracker Fishing Boats

Every since 1978, bass Tracker fishing boats have been in existence and committed to quality. The company has been known to provide a comprehensive fishing boa

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