It was always the same they never used a different method all those years, they caught fish and never thought to change their technique. We had a few place
Catch And Release-there Is A Right Way
It has been studied for many years and almost all studies confirm that if things are done properly you can release fish back into the wat
Fishing At Night- 5 Tips To Keep You Dry
Some fish are caught better at night so fishing at night is really something everyone should experience. Two fish in particular are striped bass and walleye
Ice Fishing For Pike In Muskoka
Anglers all across southern Ontario are delighted that the lakes have frozen over and the ice fishing season is well under way. The gears been packed, the f
People visit Lake Erie for a variety of reasons. They come to visit Cedar Point or maybe the Bass Islands. Some come for the recreational boating but the bi
What Beginners Need For Fishing Gear
The time has come to learn how to fish. This will probably be the most fun you ever have learning anything but that really is what fishing is all about. Th
Most fishermen are a social bunch of people. They like to hear what’s going on with other fishermen, what the fish are biting on, where the fish are and jus
Channel Catfish are among the most popular fish caught. They always put up a good fight even the smaller ones. The channel catfish will grow 1 to 2 pounds
Best Fishing Reels For Bass Fishing
Bass fishing is a wonderful hobby. There really isnt much better that an afternoon on a boat with friends and family fishing for bass. Summer days can easil
Using A Trolling Motor With Canoes And Kayaks – Budget For 7 Items
If you are thinking of getting a kayak or canoe and then converting it into a fishing or leisure machine, then here are 7 requirements and
7 Tips To Making Your Own Wooden Fishing Lures
I have not had much to do with making my own wooden lures even though I have been fishing for a lot of years and against my better judgement, decided to gi
You can see the mist coming off the little inlet off to the left looks amazing this time in the morning. I wonder if I can get my frog over to those lily pa
How To Powder Coat Fishing Jigs
I do a good bit of bass fishing and one of my favorite baits and one I use year round are lead head jigs. At $4 to $5 a piece loosing one can get a little e
A Few Thngs To Consider Before Buying Fishing Rods
If you are a newbie I guess you really need to know what a fishing rod is before you can go out and get a fishing rod. Just to put it really simple a fishi
If your into the idea of aquaponics and are looking to start your own backyard fish farm then aquaponics trout may be one of the fish you would like to star
This would have to be one of my favourite styles of fishing, and to get the most out of it you need the right surf fishing equipment and a little local know
The spawn is over and the hunt for the walleye continues. Summer is just around the corner and the walleye are doing what they always do. They are dispersin
Fishing for walleye in the fall can be one of the most productive times of the year. In walleye terms fall can be anytime from late August through mid Octob
All the talk for the last several weeks has been about the fantastic weather we have been having and the fact that the walleye spawn and migration has begun
6 Tools For Fly Tying – Tie Your Own Flies
There is nothing more satisfying than catching a fish on a fly you have personally created and tied. Can you imagine the thrill you will experience when aft
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