Fishing from shore on Maui can be fun for young and old beginners or experience fisherman. There are serveral method that you can fish from shore. Dunking is the most common method used. This is done by baiting your hook and casting your line out. Spining or whipping is another method this done by using an artifical lure or live bait casting your line out and either do a slow or fast retrieving of your line with a jerking motion. Straight pole fishing is done by using a fiberglass or bamboo pole about 8'to 10' in length with your main line tied to the tip of your pole with a lead sinker and baited hook at the bottom, no reel is needed. This good for tidal ponds, holes or edge of reef edge. throwing net which is an art the net is about 8'to10' in height and has a circumference of 8' to 10' with lead at bottom when thown it should open in a circle. this method of fishing is used for tidal ponds,holes and edge of reef good for catching lots of fish at one time, it's a very rewarding feeling when you are able to catch fish using this method. Spear fishing is done quite offen along the shore this where you can pick and choose the type of fish or lobster you want for lunch or dinner (no spearing of lobster must be catch by hand). Slide bait is mostly used by ulua fisherman casting there line out from a high rock or cliff and sliding there bait down with a special made rigg.
There are many type of bait that can be used to fish some of the common bait are mainland shrimp,cuttlefish,octopus,eel, live reef fish and artifical lures. Most of the reef fish is safe to eat. You can fish all along shore on Maui. The northshore is best to fish during the summer months or when the wind is blowing from the south, west and south shore can be fish all year round, eastshore is best during the summer months, very rough area lots of lava rocks no pave road to access shore 4 wheel truck a must.
There are some rules and regulation that must be followed you can get the Hawaii fishing regulation from any fishing supply store fore free or from the Department of Land and Natural Resources Kalanimoku Building 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 330 Honolulu Hawaii 96813.
Good Luck and Safe Fishing Maui Fisherman
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