What A Fisherman Should Know About Virginia Beach Striper Fishing
If you are looking for the ultimate winter spot for some great fishing; Virginia Beach may be the perfect spot for you. Virginia Beach Striper Fishing is a fun winter sport that usually takes place from October-January. These fish are huge and a lot of people have caught 50 pound stripers. This sport is enjoyed by all sorts of anglers.
The Striper is the largest member of the bass family and is sometimes referred to as a rock fish. This type of fish is a schooling fish and travels in groups. They can live as many as forty years and can weigh in at an enormous sixty pounds. The females are actually larger than the males. In fact, stripers that are over thirty pounds are most often females.
Virginia Beach is a well known location for this type of fishing and is thought to be hottest east coast striper region. People travel many miles to try and catch a rock fish that will break all of the previously held records. This location boasts of jumbo size stripers and is the best place to catch a whopper.
Many people take a winter vacation to a cold Virginia Beach to enjoy this sport. This is an activity that both the pros and the novice fisherman can participate in. There are plenty of experienced angles on hand that can help the beginner to learn the ropes.
Virginia Beach is home to the most records in this sport. It is not uncommon to see records broken in this area. Many anglers have high hopes of breaking the record and taking their own little part of history.
If you want to truly get away from the hustle and bustle of life, Virginia Beach is a perfect getaway. This sport is enjoyed by young and old, beginners and professionals. Many people claim that they had the time of their lives.
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