2016/7/22 15:50:12
A pond killer lurks in the Adirondack Mountains. It isn't acid rain, pollution or the snakehead. Instead, it's a tiny group of anglers reacting to what they deem a threat to their “right” of unfettered access to the area's fish and game.
Sabotaging reclamation efforts at every turn, they've recently ruined a couple of tiny ponds under DEC management. According to one DEC employee, the modus operandi of the fish bandits seems to be to keep everything they catch. They achieve this by icefishing (trout season is closed in winter) with live bait (minnows are prohibited in these areas).
Worse still is their abuse of Little Tupper Lake. Live bait was banned, as the official literature says, “to protect the heritage strain of brook trout from the accidental introduction of bass and perch.”
Lately, someone dumped largemouth bass into the lake and the bass are thriving, posing a serious threat. The people who are doing the damage have yet to be caught in the act and law enforcement has few leads. If you witness poaching call 800-847-7332.
Braggin' Board
Eastern hunters show off their best
After three years of practicing quality deer management, Corey took this mature 11-point buck with his grandfather's .308.
Mark has been bowhunting for over 20 years in Pennsylvania, but this huge 10-pointer was his first Pope and Young buck, scoring 153 typical.
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